An Honest Life


I've come across some really random things lately that have really made me think about what it means to live an honest life -- or in other words, to live a life perfectly content with who you are, what you have, and free from jealousy and pretending to be someone that you're not.  As much as I love things like Facebook, Pinterest, and other blogs, I've recognized recently that sometimes they leave me feeling yucky about myself -- almost like they encourage me to live more of a dishonest life... if that makes sense.  Allow me to share the things that have motivated me to be perfectly happy with who I am, what I have, and have encouraged me to live more of an honest life.

I came across this not to long ago.  It's not much.  However, the feeling I experienced after seeing it was different and I liked how it made me feel.  In the past, if I had seen this picture, I would have instantly thought, "Yeah, that's so true about me.  I suck.  I wish I was better at making myself presentable."  And then I would have stewed about if for awhile and felt kinda crappy.

But this time it was different.  I burst out laughing.  I thought, "This is so true.  And it's awesome.  I save 25 minutes every morning."  I probably did a fist pump too.  And I even felt a little cooler and better about myself.

It was strange.  I came face to face with something completely honest about me and who I am and it made me feel cool about myself.  That's a new feeling...

The next thing was posted by my Aunt Sherri on Facebook the day of her birthday.

My Aunt Sherri is the epitome of living an honest life.  She knows who she is and she's perfectly happy with who is she.  After reading this simple post on Facebook, I felt so ... what's the word ... inspired?  I couldn't help but be happy for exactly everything that I have as well.  Life is too short to waste any time pretending to be something you're not and trying to impress people who don't actually even care.  I want to live an honest life.

Which is why I changed the design of my blog again... I realized I was trying to be someone I wasn't.  I'm so plain and simple that my blog needs to reflect that better.  And, I'm beginning to be borderline obsessed with blog design.  Does anyone want to let me spruce up their blog?


  1. I would love it if someone spruced up my blog. The design is blah and not me at all.

    Do your follow momastery? I love what she says about being honest and open. She said that she has never made a friend pretending to be 'perfect', but she has made plenty of friends by being open, vulnerable, and honest about her weaknesses. Or something like that. She's my fav.

  2. Great reminder! I'm constantly trying to remind myself to not compare myself to others and to be happy with who I am and what I have, but have forgotten about that the last little while so thanks for reminding me :) Your aunt is awesome! I wish everyone could be as happy and confident as she is. I love your new blog look by the way. I'm a very simple, clean-cut person myself and I really like your design. I'm always impressed by the changes you make here. I have no idea what I'm doing with my blog haha!

  3. Sherri is the best. Thanks for sharing this post. I often feel that way too after perusing FB, Instagram, and Pinterest. For no good reason!

  4. hahaha sherri is the best. that made my day complete!!! definitely gotta try to be more like her. love the post!

  5. Ahh, I agree wholeheartedly with all of this :) There can be something sort of unsettling about being honest about yourself, at least at first, but it's always so much more interesting! And it leads to genuine connections with others... which are so good to have :) This is part of why I love your blog so much - you are never afraid to be candid about who you are and what matters to you.

    (Also - are you serious about the blog sprucing? I have been secretly wanting to ask you for blog design advice for ages now. No matter how you change your layouts, they are always so beautiful, and I struggle with even the simplest parts of mine!)

  6. kristen! if you wanna give my blog a facelift i wouldnt be opposed :) im a little more complex than you, but i mean hey! what is life if not to embrace a little change here and there? maybe even a lot! :)

  7. Haha my mom is too funny. I loved being reminded of that post she put up

