The Rest of May


    After returning from Utah it was time to start packing. The kids and I were moving into my parents house and Jon had found his own two bedroom apartment. I purged things with a vengeance. 

    That picture from The Color Amber of the husband and wife holding up a house in a storm? Gave it away.

    The couples journals that had years worth of entries? Wrote one last scathing page about how my heart had been broken yet again and threw them both in the garbage.

    The wedding gift tile that had our names, the temple, and the date of our wedding? Filmed myself throwing it onto my cement sidewalk while I yelled. (That one felt good, it shattered everywhere)

    I purged clothes that reminded me of Jon or had been gifts from him. There were more things I would have gotten rid of if Jon hadn't taken them himself.

    The quilt my mom made for our wedding, that we had used on our bed? Jon took it with the bed.

    The commissioned painting of Jon as a centaur and myself as some kind of fairy? Jon took that too.

    In fact, to the annoyance of many, Jon took mostly everything. Although I was hurt, I was not vindictive. It didn't make sense for me to hoard most of our belongings, I was moving into a furnished house. Jon, however, was moving into an empty apartment. So while the kids and I moved with our clothing and a few personal belongings, Jon took the rest. 

    The couches my grandma had gifted me? I almost said no, but what was the point? Jon needed couches. Someday I'll get them back.

    All of our kitchen stuff? He took it all, minus the things I had been specifically gifted like the kitchen aid mixer.

    The beautiful new tv stand? Funny story, our tv had been on a wobbly old table for YEARS. For our entire marriage our homes looked like what I described as "Canadian Immigrant Chic." I finally found and purchased a simple entertainment center for our spartan living room. A month or two later, in December, while Jon was a student, he came home with a PlayStation 5. This didn't seem very prudent to me, so I simply asked, Can you just explain why this is a good purchase right now? If he had an answer, then great. Keep it. Merry Christmas. I had too much on my plate to fight about a PlayStation anyways. Unsurprisingly, he didn't have an answer. The unspoken answer was that it wasn't a good purchase right then. But his reply was, "If I shouldn't have a new PlayStation right now, then you shouldn't buy things for the home." Okie dokie. Point taken, shouldn't have bought the comparable purchase of a tv stand that cost half as much as a PlayStation. So that tv stand? Jon has it. And a PlayStation 5.

    The icing on the cake while we were dismantling and divvying up our lives? When Jon finally had possession of his new apartment, he rented U-Haul truck to move all the boxes and furniture he was taking. The kids were happy to see their dad and he was happy to see them. He was whistling while he worked. The song? "Unholy" by Sam Smith.

    Some things you just can't make up. Real life is so bizarre.

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