The most evil person to have ever lived is the fool who pitched the idea of "Keeping up with the Joneses."

And that about sums up this blog post.  Thank you for reading.

Just kidding.  I wish it was that easy to get my point across.  However, I realize that I need to qualify and expound on my thoughts when I make such a rash and bold statement.  So please allow me to do so.

- - - - -

Last week I got in trouble.  And I got in trouble the week before that too.  And it was all because of those dang "Joneses."  And it was because I wasn't keeping up with them.

Perhaps you're not familiar with who the "Joneses" are.  So allow me to introduce them to you.

Mr. Jones is a powerful and wealthy man with a lucrative and prestigious job.  Titles, credentials, and belongings are important to him.  If you want him to give you the time of day, you need to own a car that is almost as fast and expensive as his; a house that is almost as big as his; and a TV that is almost as wide as his.  Because his possessions are all the best.  And no matter how hard you try to own something as awesome as him, you never will.  And don't even get me started about comparing your education or career to his.  Let's just say, you will never be as smart or rich as Mr. Jones.  Never.  But he encourages you to try.  Because it's fun for him to watch.

Mrs. Jones is the epitome of a resourceful, creative, and well-rounded woman.  She is the master of everything a woman is just expected to be good at.  Her cooking is divine, not to mention that most of her recipes are invented herself.  Her home decorating looks like something out of a magazine.  She has taught herself how to play six instruments and can sing like an angel.  She was doing yoga and pilates before they were even cool.  In her spare time she enjoys inventing the next greatest DIY crafting trend, tinkering with photography, writing poetry, and gardening.  Not to mention that she blogs about all of these hobbies so that other ladies can spend hours at a time ooo-ing and ahh-ing and dreaming about being like her.  Let's just say, you will never be as resourceful, creative, and well-rounded as Mrs. Jones.  Never.  But she encourages you to try.  Because it's fun for her to watch.

Son Jones is a pop culture megamind.  He's read all the coolest books, seen all of the best movies, and listens to all the hippest bands.  He had Instagram on his iPhone before it was even cool, in fact, he made it cool.  He knows about up and coming movies before the trailer is even released.  Son Jones knows where it's at.  If you want to be considered hip or cool, you need to be reading the same books, watching the same movies, and listening to the same music as him.  The truth is though, you will never be as hip and cool as Son Jones.  Never.  But he encourages you to try.  Because it's fun for him to watch.

Daughter Jones is the most beautiful girl in the whole entire world.  Her hair is long and full of volume.  Her legs are thin and toned.  Her stomach is flat.  Her eyes are big.  Her lips are full.  Her make up is perfect.  Her clothes, shoes, and jewelry could make any girl green with envy.  She looks exactly like she walked out of a picture from a magazine.  Everyday.  At any time of the day.  She embodies every physical trait a girl could possibly long for.  And you've guessed it; you will never be as beautiful as Daughter Jones.  Never.  But she encourages you to try.  Because it's fun for her to watch.

I know I need to love my neighbours and show charity and be kind and so on, but these Joneses are really getting on my nerves and I don't know how much more of them I can take.  I like to think I'm a pretty genuine person.  I mind my own business.  But the Joneses don't seem to like keeping to theirs.  What the Joneses love most is to make everything a very public affair, especially if it means drawing attention to someone who is "different" from them.  In fact, it really annoys them if someone isn't trying to be just like them.  And their arsenal of tactics to turn someone back to "keeping up with" them include humiliating, demeaning, mocking, pointing fingers, and just plain putting down.  Because that's what unique individuals deserve right?  Who has the right to be different anyways?

"You drive that rust bucket?  It's amazing it hasn't spontaneously combusted by now!  Har har har!"

"In my opinion, in order to be a good homemaker, a woman MUST be able to grow her own fresh herbs and sew her own drapes.  You can't?  Oh... what a pity."

"You haven't read the Hunger Games?  And you didn't like the movie?  Ha.  Let me guess, you'd rather read Doctor Suess and go watch The Lorax!  HA!"

"Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.  But I guess you don't really know what that feels like right?"

I like to think I have tough skin, but these Joneses kind of get to me.  Why in the world do they expect me to keep up with them anyways?  I don't even like wide screen TV's or fast cars.  I really have no interest in inventing crafty headbands and making five course gourmet meals.  I could care less about the next big movie coming out or the newest single released by someone I don't even listen to.  I'll admit that Daughter Jones can get the best of me sometimes, but I'm starting to feel like I'm over all that she stands for.  And it feels great.

So what's the bottom-line here Kristen?  Well, I guess what I'm saying is that I'm through with these Joneses.  I've never been completely enthralled with them, but after having my wrist slapped a couple times by their supporters for not following the mob and sharing the popular opinion I can only feel more excited and more happy with the fact that I am unique.  I am an individual.  I don't have to like the same things as "everyone" else.  So there Joneses.  Take that.  Consider this a figurative toilet-papering of your house.

On a more mature note, perhaps I could have simply quoted Albert Einstein and that would have been enough to portray the entire sentiment of this post.  I guess I can always just close with that quote right?

"Few are those who see with their own eyes and feel with their own hearts."  -- Albert Einstein


A Refusal to Keep On Keeping Up.


Remember the days when email was just so up and coming and it was so cool to pass along every single "Fw: SO COOL!" and "Fw: FW: SOOOO CUTE!!" and "Fw: Re: FW: Fill this IN!!  And Pass it along or you will have bad luck for 20 years and your crush will tell you that they hate you!!" that found it's way into your inbox?  Well.  I do.  And my absolute favorite ones were the surveys.  You know, the ones that you had to fill in.  1.  What time did you start this?  2. Do you paint your finger nails?  And so on.  Well, I have been fortunate enough to be tagged in a blog survey.  Feel free to waste some time reading about me.  

The Rules: 
1. Post these rules.  
2. Post 11 random things about yourself.  
3. Answer the questions provided by the person who tagged you.  
4. Create 11 new questions for the people you tag.  
5. Tag 11 people. 

Random things about Kristen Gibb:

1.  I could eat popcorn until I, myself, popped corn.  

2.  When I was in Grade 8 I wanted to see if I had the speed and reflexes necessary to swipe my finger underneath the sewing machine needle before it came down.  Unfortunately, my brain lacked the speed necessary to think to use the hand wheel to slowly lower the needle down and my foot lacked the reflexes to stop in time when it became clear the mission was impossible.  Long story short, I impaled my finger with a sewing machine needle.

3.  I would be perfectly fine with never experiencing snow for the rest of my entire life.

4.  When I put a sweater, hoodie, shirt, or anything on over my head, I take a deep breath.  Like I'm going under water.  You never know if you might get lost in there before coming through the other side to fresh air.

5.  Babies scare the bee jeebies outta me.  I'm a great friend to have around when everyone is fighting over who gets to hold the baby.  Because I will not speak a turn.  I will probably hide in the bathroom instead.

6.  I hiked the Triple Crown in Waterton in one day last summer.  It was 16 hours of hiking.  56 Kilometres.  One of the most fun and exciting days of my entire life.

7.  One time, I almost ate an entire box of Reese Puffs in one sitting.  It was both delicious and painful at the same time.

8.  I look forward to the 1st of July more than Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving, Halloween, Valentine's Day, and my Birthday all combined.  The only thing I've ever looked forward to more is probably my wedding.

9.  When I was around 7 or 8, we went to play with my cousins at their farm.  They had a big ol' dead cow in their field that had expired due to bloat.  In other words, this was a very fat dead cow.  Fat enough to be a trampoline.  So that's exactly what we did.  We took turns jumping on it.

10.  The idea of being completely self-reliant intrigues me.  I would love to live on a farm where I grew my own food, raised my own livestock, sewed my own clothes, and so on.  It would be cool to be a "no-impact" person.  At least for a week or so.

11.  When I was in High School, I had a key to my church in order to practice the organ for Sunday.  Sometimes, when I was alone and felt like a rebel, I would dim the lights in the chapel, turn the organ up to max, and then pound out "Phantom of the Opera."  It was epic.  And very irreverent.

Tina's questions:

1. Would you ever get plastic surgery? If yes, when and what?

Nope.  I'll admit I have the occasional self-image meltdown and there are things I will probably always fret about, but at the end of the day, I honestly can't see myself going down that path.

2. If you had to be without one of the 5 senses, which one would you choose and why?

Taste.  No one would notice I was without it.  I could still eat.  And it would be a heck of a lot easier to not overeat, yet I could still smell how delectable something might taste.

3. If you could be the star of one movie, which one would it be?

Eat Pray Love.  I would love to travel to those places and reenact the physical, spiritual, and emotional journey depicted in that movie.  I would be vicariously trying to experience the same thing Elizabeth Gilbert did when she went on her journey to Italy, India, and Indonesia.

4. What is the funniest joke you know?

Why should you never take a shower with a Pokemon?  Because they might Pikachu!!

5. What is your go-to meal that you make?

Butter Chicken.  Put the rice in the rice cooker.  Fry up some chicken breast.  Mix in some butter chicken sauce from a jar.  Put some coconut milk and white sugar in with the rice.  Serve with some grilled naan bread.  WAH-LA!  

6. What is the one thing you do that helps you relieve stress?

Running.  I love running.  Or biking.  Or hiking.  Just being outside and moving does miracles for stress.

7. What is your dream vacation spot and why?

Well, I like a hot, tropical beach just as much as the next person, however, for little vacations, I love Kalispel, Waterton, and just south-western Alberta in general.  They're just a little piece of heaven on earth I find.  And they are apart of my childhood.  

8. What is something that other people do that just drives you up the wall?

Free loading.  Looters and Moochers.  

9. If you could live in any other era than your own, what one would you choose and why?

My Grandpa Gibb's era.  I would have loved to have been born when he was.  I just finished reading his autobiography and the whole time I longed to be living on a farm like he grew up on.  I firmly believe the hard physical labour and work they had to do back then to make a living helped shape them into the people of character and integrity that they are today.  I would love to work hard alongside my family and be able to see the fruits of my labours at the end of the day or season.  

10. What is your favorite song to sing along to? And I mean, you are losing your mind and blowing your vocal chords..

"The Dog Days Are Over" by Florence and the Machine.  "Bohemian Rhapsody" by the Glee Cast.  "Forget You" by Cee Lo Green.  "Total Eclipse of the Heart" by Bonnie Tyler.  "Something to Talk About" by Bonnie Raitt.  "Zombie" by The Cranberries.  ... To name a few...

11. If you could be the best in the world at anything, what would it be and why?

It would have to be being the best at compassion.  I wish I possessed that sort of nurturing and womanly trait, but I'm absolutely clueless when it comes to knowing who needs a shoulder to lean on or a hug.  So I would have to say compassion.  That or trail running.

And I am now all surveyed out.  Since I don't have the patience to sit and do more, consider yourself tagged if you want.  And use Tina's questions!



