I am enamoured.

I really don't have words right now to express myself beyond that one sentence and a couple of Jane Austen quotes.  But I'll do my best to blurt something out.

I went into labour a week ago and had this darling baby placed in my arms just after 2:30 am on Friday, June 27th.  She is perfect and the labour and delivery was an awesome experience.  I feel quite sheepish sharing more than that about her birth, but if you're dying to know more, just ask.

Her name is Sheriff July Ruiz.  I understand if it takes a while to grow on you.  I've already had some funny faces pulled at me while introducing her.  But I've also had quite a few people tell me how much they love it.  As for Jon and myself, we love her and we love her name.

Sheriff isn't exactly a tiny newborn.  She came out weighing 9 lbs 7 oz and measuring 20.5" long.  She's also freakishly strong and has been lifting her head on her own since day one.

My new favourite hobbies include bathing, cuddling, feeding, and simply staring at Sheriff.  I can't get enough of her.  In fact, I think I may suffer from withdrawals when I have to share her with family for long periods of time.  Motherhood has completely enveloped me, which is strange because babies literally used to scare the beejeebies outta me.

I honestly can't get enough of this beautiful baby girl.  

Most Ardently

