I like to think that I have a really good memory.  At least my mom tells me that I do…

Lately it seems like I have the most random, yet vivid, memories just popping into my head.  They oftentimes catch me off guard.  Some of them make me laugh.  Others really confuse me because I have no idea what made them pop into my mind.  Anyways, I've decided that when I have these moments of memory deja vu, I should jot them down on my blog.  Because apparently memories don't stick around.


Before moving out to the acreage I grew up on outside of Raymond, our family lived "in town."  We were renting the old "Smart house," which, if you're from a small town will make complete sense as being an accurate and acceptable form of giving directions or an address.  Anyways, these were the days of kindergarten for yours truly.  One lovely spring day I was riding my bike home by myself.  I left from the Elementary School and rode on the sidewalk.  Past where the High School used to be, all the way to where the Junior High used to be.  I made it as far as the X.  And then it happened.

You see, as I started on my way, I noticed that the laces were untied on one of my shoes.  But I was riding my bike, so it didn't matter.  And quite frankly, tying your shoelaces in kindergarten?  

So I continued on my merry way until I completely lost the ability to pedal.  It was like some kind of dark magic came over me, that is, until I looked down to behold that my confounded laces had wound themselves around the pedal into a knot that would rival a pile of necklaces carelessly thrown into a jewellery box.  I was trapped to my bike, which was slowly losing momentum.

Before I could think my way out of this predicament all forward momentum was lost, and although one of my feet was free it remained glued to the pedal in a type of foot solidarity for it's imprisoned brother. And I tipped over in a fashion quite similar to a tree being cut down.  And I laid there, because obviously this was the end and this was where I would lay to rest, trapped to my trusty bike.  I shed a few tears, because obviously no 5 year old wishes for their life to end so suddenly.

I laid there for what seemed like 15 minutes in a 5 year old's judgment of time.  It was probably more like 15 seconds.  Then to my infinite gratitude, some adults ran out of the Junior High doors to rescue me.  They untangled me, helped me up, and even tied that pesky shoe for me.  And that's all I remember.  Pretty good right?  It cracks me up whenever I think of it.  Probably one of the finer moments of my childhood.

And that kids, is why you ALWAYS tie your shoes before riding a bike.

Remembories I


As long as I can remember, my New Year's resolutions have had something to do with fitness and body image.  Lose 20 lbs.  Run a bazillion races.  Do the Master Cleanse for as long as possible.  This year my resolutions have absolutely NOTHING to do with that, and it feels GREAT.  In fact, here are my resolutions:

1.  Get the camera out once a week - TAKE PICTURES!
2.  PHONE IS A PHONE.  Do not play on it.  And do not play on technology in front of Sheriff.
3.  Bedtime!  Go to bed consistently at 10:30 pm!!  (As you can tell by the time I am posting this, I am not doing so hot on this one…)
4.  D.I.M. - Do it myself.  If there's something I want to buy, figure out first if I can make it myself!

I'm proud to report that a mere 12 days in to the New Year, I've already sort of accomplished one or two.

Last week I followed Sheriff around with the camera.  Here are some of my favourites:

As for my phone resolution, I'm basically just continuing my work stated in this ol' blog post.  I'll admit I'm not perfect.  Sometimes I'll tell myself I need to check my online banking for something and then BAM -- I'm looking at a site like brickyard buffalo.  I'm definitely still a work in progress, but on the bright side, there has been progress.

Umm, let's not talk about the bedtime resolution…

Moving on…

My Do It Myself resolution has been my favourite so far!  It all started with making a ton of "bibdanas."  I had wanted some for Sheriff for the longest time, but I just couldn't justify spending like $8-$10 for ONE bib.  So I went out on a limb and tried making them, and I LOVED it!

Last weekend I got a little more ambitious and tried my hand at making this t-shirt:

Here's what I was able to whip up, all with an old men's shirt from Value Village:

I'm proud as punch.  It's nothing fancy, but I'm happy with it.

So there you have it.  My resolutions.  



Shortly after having Sheriff, I realized that my fashion sense could be described as "Family Softball Tournament."  Yes, I mean exactly as what it sounds.  I dressed like I was about to play in a family softball tournament.  But like everyday.  Is it a crime to feel ultra comfortable in baggy cut-off shorts and three quarter length baseball t's?  It wasn't until I was walking through a mall with Jon that I had this realization.  He stopped in front of a store's display and just stared at this outfit in awe and told me I'd look good in it.  So I tried it on to humour him.  Needless to say, he liked it a lot more than my daily family softball tournament get-up.

Anyways, long story short, I've been making a conscious effort to dress a little more presentable.  It's really hard and somedays I really hate it.  But a few websites I've found make it a little more fun, because I want to buy all the clothes they sell and wear them.  You should check out these little online boutiques!  (Disclaimer:  I am NOT a fashion blogger and this is almost going against everything I believe about myself, but I can't resist sharing this.  Don't judge me.)

I really dig Piper & Scoot.  The prices are reasonable and the clothes are super nice.  For a small online boutique they have quite a bit to choose from.  And they just posted a ton of new stuff today!  I'll admit I haven't bought anything.  I'm waiting for an extra impulsive moment to pounce.

Most of Clad & Cloth's products are on sale right now and they have an extra 30% off going on with the code "WHYNOT."  I am physically in pain because I want to order a ton of stuff, but I'm trying to be so good after all that Christmas shopping.  Good news - although they only ship to the States using the online order form, I did a little complaining on instagram and they said if you email them at cladandcloth@gmail.com they'll work something out to ship to Canada.  Alas, it will probably cost an arm and a leg, but with the sale they have on it could work out as being affordable. 

Obviously, when you're as passionately in love with T-shirts as I am, you can't just give them up.  I love these Flybird Apparel T's, especially the different material used for the sleeves.  They're a little pricey just for a t-shirt and another con is that you can only pay with PayPal, but that doesn't stop me from loving them.


I love the simplicity of the necklaces made in this Etsy shop.  You pick the length and type of chain, you can choose what to have stamped into the pendant.  And another perk is that the shop owner is Canadian!  My birthday is coming up… Jon…

Clothes I Like.

