I have two kids now.  It's pretty crazy and pretty awesome.  Some things have definitely been different this time around than they were the first time.

THE FIRST TIME:  I shared my due date with four other girls.  When two of those girls had their babies two and one week before the due date, I was livid.  I did not want to be pregnant anymore and it made me mad that they didn't have to be before me.

THIS TIME:  I was in no rush.  I knew my days with just Sheriff were numbered and did my best to enjoy them in my extremely uncomfortable, pregnant body.

THE FIRST TIME:  My labour lasted roughly five hours.  I cracked jokes, said please and thank you, and even had the courtesy to ask Jon how he was doing.

THIS TIME:  My labour lasted approximately three and a half hours.  I was all calm and contained for the first three hours, but that last half hour I was straight up in fight-or-flight mode.  (If you want to read Logan's birth story, go HERE)

THE FIRST TIME:  My mom snapped some pictures of Sheriff in the delivery room after she was born.

THIS TIME:  I was lucky enough to have Rhonda Steed come take these beautiful pictures HERE.

THE FIRST TIME:  I formula fed since I was told I shouldn't breastfeed while taking my "candy."

THIS TIME:  A friend of mine who works in Labour and Delivery consulted some Lactation Specialists for me and reassured me it would be okay to breastfeed.  So I am.

THE FIRST TIME:  Sheriff didn't really cry for the first week of her life.  In fact, she didn't even cry when she was born.

THE TIME:  Logan was born crying and isn't afraid to let us know when she's not impressed.

THE FIRST TIME:  Jon and I would drop everything to attend to Sheriff when she cried.  Her crying scared us and made us feel like she needed something immediately.

THIS TIME:  Heck, I have a sixteen month old and a one month old.  There's always somebody crying.  Sheriff, Logan, me - crying isn't a big deal.  Haha, just kidding, I'm not crying.

THE FIRST TIME:  Nothing irritated me more than my sisters being mean to Sheriff, like squishing her face to take pictures, burping in her face, etc.

THIS TIME:  I'm lucky if I'm quick enough to stop Sheriff from sitting on Logan while she's doing tummy time or shoving her tooth brush in Logan's mouth.

THE FIRST TIME:  I dressed Sheriff up in the cutest little summer outfits everyday.

THIS TIME:  Logan has spent the first month of her life in sleepers.

THE FIRST TIME:  My arms belonged to Sheriff.  She got to be held all the time.

THIS TIME:  My arms still belong to Sheriff.  I'm always stopping her from doing something crazy, while Logan is wrapped securely to my body with my handy-dandy Mei Tai (which I love and think is the best thing I've ever owned since having babies).

THE FIRST TIME:  It would take around an hour to get Sheriff and I ready and out the door.

THIS TIME:  It takes closer to two hours to get all of us ready and out the door.

THE FIRST TIME:  My daily hygiene rituals didn't change much.

THIS TIME:  Going to the bathroom and taking a shower feel like the most luxurious treats I can offer myself.

THE FIRST TIME:  I was surprised to realize how much I loved Sheriff and being a mom.

THIS TIME:  It doesn't surprise me at all how much I love Logan and being a mom.

This Time Around

