I remember when I was in grade twelve there was this site on the world wide web called MySpace and it was the coolest thing ever.  You got to have your very own personal little page and you could deck it out with a cool background and have music playing and even let the whole world know who were the most important people in your life by arranging them strategically on your top friends.  Man, it was sweet.  Or you could give someone a big fat figurative middle finger by demoting them off your top friends list.  So it was intense too.  And you could also tell the world you were going out with someone by making them your number one friend.  So yeah, it was pretty excellent and the whole thing operated quite well through unwritten actions.  

Then when spring time of 2007 rolled around this other web site began to gain some popularity among my friends.  It was the Facebook and it was pretty nifty.  It was a heck of a lot more interactive than MySpace and was soon what all the cool kids were using.  You could post pictures, write a message on someone's wall so everyone could see how tight you two were, write a secret message to someone that only the two of you could see, poke people, send them gifts, let everyone know you were taken - the possibilities were endless.  I especially loved the Facebook because an older boy would message me on it.  He was in college and I was in grade twelve, so yeah, I was a big deal.

When I think back to those golden days of the Facebook and how simple and carefree it was I can't help but feel like it's been ruined.  And I know who the culprits are: adults.  Adults have ruined Facebook.

Allow me to explain.  First came the games.  Adults invented games that could be played on the Facebook.  You'd sign in and be excited to see you had half a dozen new notifications only to discover that they were invitations from the same two people to play a bunch of different games.  Thanks for nothing, *Chad, thanks for nothing (* names have been changed to protect the guilty).  And if you ever did take the plunge into the world of Facebook gaming, you soon realized that guilty Chad didn't actually care enough to send you a genuine invitation to play this super fun game, he just wanted you to join the madness so he could get 20 more coins of fake money for his game.  So not only was Chad guilty, he was also using you to benefit his imaginary farm.  So you can thank the adults that made the stupid games and Chad for sending you self-serving invitations for getting excited over nothing.

I believe what came next to Facebook was the prostitution of the sidebar area.  Adults decided that the space on the sides of the screen would be excellent for trying to sell you stuff.  And it didn't stop at that.  Adults started creating Facebook accounts for their businesses so that you could "like" them and thereby let all your friends know that you pledge allegiance to Walmart.  Heck, you can't even read the back of a box of cereal without General Mills now telling you to "like" them on Facebook.  All of these companies want lots of likes.  In fact, they'll trick you into liking them by saying they'll give you stuff or enter you in a draw for a really great prize that you'll never, ever win.  It wasn't like you were already getting enough advertising in your life.  Obviously you wanted more advertising to explode in your face when you got a second of free time to see if Bill and Sara were still dating because you heard they got in a fight.  And it totally doesn't annoy you when you accidentally click on an add on your newsfeed.  Don't even get me started on long lost friends expressing an interest in your life all the sudden.  We all know they had evil business type ulterior motives.

Next came the memes.  Adults figured that Facebook would be a great place to jump on the pop culture bandwagon and then proceed to beat the dead horse pulling it.  Know what a "minion" is?  Ever read something telling you to "keep calm?"

Well now you have.  And those are minions.  And that, my friend, is a meme.  Sure, that one might be cute, but imagine that same "keep calm" phrase or those same minions tweaked ever so slightly into a thousand different memes and then shared more times than you can count.  It gets old really fast.  And scrolling through all of them on your newsfeed becomes quite a chore.

Lastly, what absolutely irks me the most about adults on Facebook is their undying need to spew their opinion about everything under the sun, as if what they have to say actually matters and that people care what they think.  Something everyone needs to realize is that with the invention of the internet and social media, sharing information has become exponentially easier.  And since it's so easy to share what you have to say, there are literally billions of different things people have to say being sent out into the oblivion of the world wide web.  This means the supply of unsolicited opinions FAR outweighs the demand.  Therefore, what you have to say literally means nothing if you choose to voice it on the internet.  Sure, there are ways for your voice to mean a little more, but that requires credentials, years of experience, endorsement from other meaningful sources, and sometimes a big crowd of followers also gives your voice a little more volume.  Most adults don't seem to realize this. So they shout out from their statuses and cat-call in the comments what they have to say on any controversial topic.  And it accomplishes about this much:

And it doesn't stop there.  Next someone will come along with a polar opposite opinion and feel the urge to voice it.  This triggers an incredibly ugly landslide effect.  Although they are adults, rarely are they able to debate in a mature manner.  Grown men and women stoop to the level of name calling and condescension commonly seen among middle schoolers.  I'm not quite sure what they're trying to accomplish when they call a stranger an "idiot" or tell them they are wrong and have no idea what they're talking about.  Perhaps they're hoping everyone else on the thread will be super impressed by their juvenile stabs -

Or maybe they simply want to reduce their opponent into tears.

Whatever their intentions are, I'll admit I can't look away.  I keep coming back for more.  This week alone I've spent an embarrassing amount of time scrambling back to the Facebook so I could see what the grownups were saying to each other.

Oh how the Facebook has changed.  I miss the good old days when it was a kids thing and wasn't polluted with all this adult stuff.  Why did the adults have to come along and ruin such a good thing?  Gosh, those adults, they're ...

Glad I'm not one of them.  I'm only 27.  And I've only been married three and a half years.  Sure, I have two kids, but ...  Holy crap.  Wait a minute.  When did that happen?!  I could have sworn I was still in high school.  I still feel like a kid.  There's no way I'm an adult!  No, no way.  There can't be, because that would mean that ... that I'm probably guilty of all of these things ... that I'm probably ruining the Facebook too.  NOOOooooooo!!!  

Adults Ruin Everything


Sometimes I wish I was a crafty person that was really talented with the entire Adobe Creative Suite.  Okay, when I say sometimes I mean all the times.  But instead I'm a cheap amateur that putzes around with GIMP, a free photoshop knock off you can download here.  For a free program, GIMP is pretty sweet.  I've been able to do all my blog design with it and just recently undertook my very first decorative type project.

Like I mentioned above, I'm cheap.  So when I went in search of cute alphabet banners or posters to put in Sheriff's room I was flabbergasted to see how much these artsy crafty Abode wizards charge for their sorcery.  So I took it upon myself to just design my own.  And I'm quite pleased with how it turned out.

By no means is this post a tutorial, but if you're interested, here's what I did.  I found a couple fonts I liked (literally thousands of fonts can be found for free here and here), a flag shape that I liked, and animal clipart.  The first two were free, the clipart I had to buy.  But I get to keep the clipart forever!  I found the clipart on Creative Market.  And then I just whipped them up.  I don't own a printer, so I had Staples print them on cardstock and laminate them.  I strung them up in four groups of five and one group of six.  I did this by cutting little x's in the top corners with an exacto knife.  Then I threaded this cute yarn through the x's and hung them with push pins.  Sound like something you could do?

If you answered yes, then go for it!  Help yourself and buy my alphabet banner from my Etsy shop here:


DIY Alphabet Banner


I was going to blog yesterday because it was my birthday and it just felt like an excellent day to blog. But things didn't work as planned.  You see, the Nap Gods have forsaken me.  What was once a hallowed and sacred two hours of my day has been snatched away as some kind of cruel and unusual punishment.  What did I do to deserve this?!  okay... I know full well what I did.  We packed up the playpen and now Sheriff sleeps on a real bed.  This means she can now saunter on out of her bed to taunt me whenever she pleases.  Which is every nap and every night.  Question, how the *swear words* does she know what side of the bed I sleep on?

So then since today was a new day I figured I could blog at nap time.  Ha.  How naive of me.  The girls really had me fooled though.  For an entire 15 minutes they slept in unison.  Then Sheriff awoke and sauntered over.  I escorted her back to bed and stood as a most terrifying sentry to ensure sleep captured her for good this time.  Ahhh, blessed silence.  Then it was Logan's turn.  She decided the soother that had been keeping her content and pacified was no longer doing it's job and began to cry.  I pick her up and begin shoving the soother around her gummy mouth while whispering, "shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up."  In a kind and motherly type way of course.  Cue Sheriff waking up again with the vengeance of a bear interrupted from hibernation.  I place Logan in the swing by Sheriff's room while doing everything in my power to soothe the child banshee.  Logan looks at us all wide eyed and bushy tailed.  She's awake and happy, almost as if pleased with herself for waking big sister.  Game over.  Me time has been stolen yet again by mom time.

ANYWAYS, what I WAS going to blog about was myself.  How ironic.  I figured I should write a little bit about me since in all honesty, I'm not the same person who started this blog five years ago.  So...

My name is Kristen Ruiz.  I'm a brand new 27 year old.  I've got myself a rad husband named Jon and two equally rad little girls.  We gave them the super rad names Sheriff and Logan.  We live in Jon's parent's basement.  Because we're ... rad.

Right after I married Jon I got depression.  Like really bad.  So bad that I started throwing the d-word around.  Thank goodness Jon is a borderline saint and stood by my side when I wasn't really myself.  Poor guy probably thought he had made a huge mistake marrying a complete monster.  Fortunately, with professional help and venting on this here blog, I was able to pull myself together.  The best part is that I'm the happiest I've been in my life and I'm 100% sure it's because treating my depression cured some underlying ills I had been combatting my entire life.

Now for the real interesting things about me that I'm pretty sure you don't already know.

I once told my Dad to his face right after he spanked me that it didn't hurt.  I was 4ish.  The next one did hurt.  It was approximately 3 seconds later.

I rode a bus to school growing up.  One morning while waiting for the bus I noticed this lumpy thing on the road.  Turned out to be my pet kitten.  It was dead.  I ran home sobbing only to have my mom send me back to the bus.  When I got on all the kids were pointing at it.

Hahahaha, oh man, these are the worst memories ever about my parents.  I promise they are the best parents in the world.  For some reason those are just the first two things that popped into my head.

I have two sisters.  I'm the oldest.  And the coolest.  When we were little we had airsoft guns we'd play around with.  The only rule was that we had to wear sunglasses or something to cover our eyes.  One time my youngest sister was playing with the guns with a friend while wearing my middle sisters sunglasses.  She got mad and told her to take them off.  Youngest refused.  Middle mooned her with her bare butt in an act of defiance, all the while forgetting who held the airsoft gun.  Youngest fired with exceptional aim.  To this day I think this is one of the funniest things ever.

My mom had to beg me to start wearing makeup.

In grade 9 a girl called me "socially retarded."  I thought it was the nicest compliment I had ever received.  I'm pretty sure I still am.

In high school I played the piano for my church choir.  While performing in church I went to pull off a page and the entire song's worth of sheet music fell on the floor.  The choir proceeded to stumble on acapella styles while I picked up papers and played whenever I knew where they were and had the music.  Afterwards I walked out to the parking lot and cried. Hahahahaha.

Once I ate an entire box of Reese's Puff cereal in one sitting.  My mouth felt like I had brushed it with steel wool.  I don't recommend it.

Another time I was listening to Damien Rice while stretching and all the sudden I just started crying. I think Damien Rice just has that effect on people.  My cousin Jeff would be proud.

I accidentally farted in front of Jon after we first got engaged.  It was the most embarrassing moment ever.  He laughed at me and I said, "I hate you."  He didn't like that, but I didn't like being embarrassed.  Nowadays I'm the one who farts and laughs my head off and Jon shakes his head.  He doesn't say he hates me though because he's a good person.

As for what I am and what I like to do, I really don't know.  I used to be able to introduce myself as a runner and say I liked to play the piano and read.  But now I feel sheepish, almost like I'm lying, if I was to introduce myself saying those things.  I can't remember the last time I went on a run or just sat down and played the piano and I'm still trying to finish reading a book that I started a year and a half ago.  My days and moments of free time are invested in such different things now.  Is it strange to say that I don't even really know who I am?

I guess there is one thing I know for sure.  I'm a mother.  That is a fact.  It's what I spend all my time doing now.  And I love it.  Even if it steals away my small moments of free time.  Heck, even now that I have free time I keep coming back to it.  And even when I lay in bed next to Jon at night and we tell each other the best part of our day, being a mother is what made my day.  Mothering isn't just what I do during the day, it's what I love best.  It's who I am.  And I'd say that's the biggest change that has happened to the girl who started writing this blog five years ago.

A Bit About Me.


I can't think of a bigger lie than the saying, "new year, new me."  HA!  Nice try.  More like, "new year, same you, same obstacles and habits, but maybe you'll figure out a new way to attack them.  So, uh, good luck."  I'll admit I've told the "new year, new me" lie to myself quite a few times while binging on so much ice cream I was about to explode, because on January 1st the new Kristen wasn't going to eat anything she liked.  Heck, one year new Kristen forced me to do the Master Cleanse, or what I like to refer to as Satan's Drink for Days, until I got to a point where I felt like I couldn't even walk outside without the wind blowing me over.  Stupid new Kristen.

Although I don't buy into the "new year, new me" tomfoolery nowadays, I still do enjoy a good, fresh New Year.  Probably because my birthday is January 11.  Don't forget it.  Did you know that I was the New Year's baby in Raymond in 1989?  Yup.  Eleven days into the new year.  My mom got a bunch of free stuff and I got to be in the newspaper.  Holy crap I have attention problems.  Probably because I hardly ever blog anymore and I don't know what the heck I'm doing.  Anyways, I was saying that I do like a New Year and it's because I like to set goals.  I'm not very good at always achieving them, but I set them nonetheless.  So for fun, I shall review the goals I set for 2015.

1.  Get the camera out once a week - TAKE PICTURES!  

I can recall approximately ONE week of 2015 where I consciously took the camera out for this specific goal.  And it was so I could blog them along with this list of goals.  I promise I did take pictures, but not as many as I wish I would have. 

2.  PHONE IS A PHONE.  Do not play on it.  And do not play on technology in front of Sheriff.

Haaaaaa.  Okay - I was good at not "playing" on my phone.  But Sheriff discovered the joy of watching videos of herself on my phone (she's kind of narcissistic), and I really like watching them with her because she's cute and she might have the videos memorized and like to quote herself while watching herself.  Don't judge me.

3.  Bedtime!  Go to bed consistently at 10:30 pm!!

HAAAAAAAAH!!  What was I thinking?  This goal should have been "watch all the seasons of Brooklyn 99, The Musketeers, The 100, The Walking Dead, and start Vampire Diaries on Netflix." At least I figured out my priorities in 2015.

4.  D.I.M. - Do it myself.  If there's something I want to buy, figure out first if I can make it myself!

Okay, this is the one goal that I feel safe saying that I did.  I made Sheriff a few pairs of moccasins and even got paid to make some for people.  I made bibdanas, I tailored some shirts, I made some blankets, I killed this goal.  FINALLY, a goal I actually did.

So what goals do I have in mind for 2016?  Behold, the new list of goals I may or may not achieve:

1.  Make documenting things a routine.  Write in my journal once a week.  Write in Logan and Sheriff's journal once a month.  Convince Jon to write in their journal once a month.  Blog once a week, just like in the olden days when this blog was cool.

2.  Read a book.  I wish this goal could be more cool, like read more books or a specific one, but I started the book Don Quixote before Sheriff was born (I know she's 18 months old, shut up) and I refuse to let it beat me.  So when I say "read a book," I really mean "finish dang Don Quixote."

3.  Do some fitnessy things.  Once upon a time these types of goals used to be the only ones I had and the ulterior motive behind all of them was really to lose all my weight.  Fortunately I kicked that mind frame to the curb and now I want to set these goals for the joy of accomplishment and the experience of actually doing it.  Jon promised to do the Moonlight Run with me, so that's one.  I've been dying to do what I call "The Fantastic Four in 24" and I'm planning to do it this summer.  And last, for some strange reason I've always wanted to swim across Ridge Reservoir, which is this nasty lake close to where I grew up and went boating on all summer.  So there's those.

4.  Make a cool T-shirt.  I have killer mom style these days, which is really killer messy bun, t-shirt, and skinny jeans style.  Anyways, I bought some t-shirts I love (this one, and this one, this one too, oh and this one) and realized how freaking easy they were to make and that paying as much as I did is highway robbery.  So I should just design and print my own.  But I want it to be cool enough that other people would like to have one too.

So, uh, wish me luck and stuff.  What goals do you have for this year?

New Year, Old Me

