May 4th


Remember how back in March 2023 I hung out at a friend's house before the impending doom of telling my kids their parents would be separating? Between my tears and their shock the question was asked, "What can we do for you?" My go-to answer for questions like this has usually been something like, Oh, don't worry about me, I'll be okay. But this time I actually had an answer. 

I want to get away the weekend of my anniversary. I want to go to Kalispell.

In retrospect, I can't believe I had the guts to ask that, let alone had the ability to conjure up such a specific answer. Maybe it's just me, but as a mother of small children you don't really let your mind wander to the giant cakes of leisure, rather, you nibble on the small crumbs of fun you can find. Scrolling social media, drinking too much pop, maybe visiting with some friends. But always after the house is cleaned and the kids are put to bed.

But the question was asked and I actually had an answer and my circumstances were dire enough that the clarion call was answered. I made arrangements for my kids and my friends took care of the rest. And the getaway was so, so worth it. I could cry thinking about it now and how grateful I am that it happened.

Coincidentally, this weekend one year ago was also when the Whitefish Spartan race was taking place, so the hotels were busy. At this point, both myself and a friend on the trip were 5 months pregnant and both showing. While standing in the lobby checking into the hotel, our group was asked if we were there for the Spartan Race. HA. Nope.

To sum it up, the weekend was amazing. We spent two nights, ate lots, shopped, and hung out. My body and mind were kept busy over a time that would have been hard to get through alone. On the actual day of our anniversary, May 4th, Jon did send me a text. I honestly can't remember what it said, but my response was along the lines that the day wasn't hard because I chose to think of all the happy, good things that came to be because of our anniversary, that I was grateful for the good years and our beautiful kids.


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