I'll Be Brave


I believe it's fair to say that my life has changed quite a bit during the past three months.

On May 4th, I got married.

Then on May 7th, my husband Juan and I flew to Ecuador for a two month honeymoon.

During our two week stint on the Galapagos Islands something happened.  I changed.  No you weirdos, I didn't get pregnant.  I got sad.  Down right melancholy.  At first I thought I was homesick, so I let my head fill it self with thoughts of back home and all that I was missing there.  For example,





Pretty soon the list was a million miles long.  And then I concluded another thing was making me so upset.  I was no longer free.  My freedom was gone.  Or at least I thought it was.  So I pouted about that for a few days too.  

As this terrible mood began to take over, I literally turned into a fun-sucking honeymoon-ruiner.  My mind was so full of unhappy, pessimistic thoughts that I began to even question myself getting married in the first place.  Because it was marriage that was making me so unhappy, right?

I feel awful admitting this, but after our stay on the Galapagos, things only managed to get worse.  I continued to be a fun-sucking, party-pooping, mood-killing wife.  I feel comfortable in calling the person I was back then nothing short than a female version of Satan.  It soon became clear that going home early was a necessity for both of our sanity, well-being, and sadly enough, even our young little marriage.

Fortunately for me, I have a good mother.  The first thing she made me do when I came home was see a doctor.  I told him my story.  Then he chuckled and told me I have Depression.  Well that sounds like fun.  How do I get rid of it?

I wish I could say that things got better immediately after seeing that doctor and getting that diagnosis.  But I'll be brave and admit that it didn't.  Things went down before they came back up.  And I'll be brave enough to admit that.

I'll be brave.

I've changed the look of my blog.  A little.  Quite a bit.  Okay, maybe a lot.  Since beginning this journey of marriage, and then depression, I've realized that nearly everyone goes through really tough stuff.  Except we never seem to talk about those things.  Maybe it's against social norms.  Or maybe it's because we're embarrassed.  Or maybe it's simply because we're too scared to openly speak about that side of our life.

Since going through this challenge, I've been absolutely amazed to find out about how many people have gone through a trial quite similar to mine.  Things like having a tough honeymoon or rocky start to a marriage seem to be unthinkable or even outlandish.  Probably because it's supposed to be magical right?  It is the "honeymoon phase", is it not?  

Hearing stories similar to mine has helped a lot.  I'm not alone in my battle with depression, and Juan and I are not alone in our fight to make marriage magical.  Why then, have all these stories been kept secret?!  

I've decided to start a revolution.  I'm not going to keep my story quiet.  I'm not going to keep a blog that leads everyone on to believe that my life is full of perfect outfits, amazing hairstyles, delicious home-cooked meals, cute decorating, and never-ending romance with my husband.  I'm going to be brave.  I'm going to tell things like they are, and love life regardless.  

I'm done with trying to live what everyone perceives as "real-life".  It seems like all the "real" things are kept quiet in "real-life".  Which is why I'm going to embark on what I have deemed as "near-life".  All aspects of life deserve to be addressed.  The bad just as much as the good.  Because it's all the parts coming together which makes life this magical and exciting experience is it not?


  1. First of all: Thank you for being brave!!! I admire you very much for writing this blog post and it is very true that you are definitely not alone! I too have struggled with depression in my recent past and have had more than a few struggles with my marriage. You are one of the strongest, most beautiful, most kind person in the world and I hope you know that!
    Secondly: Love the new blog style :)
    Thirdly: Let's plan a double date night sometime!

  2. Love the new look of your blog. Marriage is definitely hard work and good for you for admitting it! I went through something similar to you as well so just know you are not alone. Things all work out in the end.

  3. You are amazing Kristen. I always have admired your strength and courage and continue to do so. I look forward to hearing your experiences so that one day when my marriage isn't unicorns and sunshine I'll have someone to look to and relate to and learn from and all that great stuff :)

  4. I always appreciate the honesty you present in this blog. I love knowing I can read what is said here and know it's the truest form of you. I struggled with making the decision to get engaged and totally thought people would judge me for it {a large part due to losing freedom of being a single lady} It's amazing how many people keep quiet but are really going through similar things. Lets be real life friends again soon please? I miss both of you!

  5. Good for you for opening up about this. I sincerely hope the people who read this who are struggling with similar issues are inspired to be more like you and talk about it. It's a scary thing that shouldn't be. I also want to wish you the best of luck with this and while your blog has changed, my feelings about you have not. I still think you're awesome!!!

  6. loved this! the first stage of marriage is scary, and for me it was full of doubt. I think being open about it, especially with your spouse, is the #1 way to fix it, so good for you!

  7. I feel for you Kristen and am proud of you for looking deep within yourself to make things better. There are magical parts to marriage, but there are also some really tough things... LOTS of changes and learning to compromise and communicate. It's a lot of work and effort to make a marriage stay together. Some of that is easy to do and some of it can be down right hard. Keep it up! The nice thing about marriage is Juan is on your side and he loves you. You guys are a team.

  8. You're awesome Kristen...first for being so open and honest about it..but mostly for figuring it out and working through it. Marriage is hard...never understood that statement until the day I actually got married but it's TRUE. but it's also the best thing in the world. I know you'll be fine...I can tell you love each other so much!

    I'm sure you've heard me say this before but if you're on birth control...try going off of it. I am ANTI birth control....cause it made me depressed. Hope you're feeling better!!!

  9. Wow. Thanks for showing this courage Kristen! The honesty on your blog posts inspires me to be more honest in my life.

  10. I went through the same thing and like you I was at time discouraged and I think kind of annoyed that everyone I talked to would say, I never went through anythig like that. The honeymoon bliss! I began to think I was the only weird one and that maybe I had made a mistake. Like you I talked about it, I talked about it a lot and got some good counsel from parents, bishop and good friends. Marriage is the hardest thing I've ever done but it's the most rewarding. Sean and I are celebrating our one year anniversary this weekend. The good news is that it's only going to get better! If you ever want to talk I'm here and I don't mind talking about what really happens! Haha thanks for being to open!

  11. you are brave :) it takes a lot to even admit you have depression (i don't know why...) let alone to be so open about it. i think it's great though. you're right, a lot of people go through what you do and it's admirable that you're letting others know that so maybe they don't feel like they're alone. i know i did at the beginning of my marriage. i can tell you from experience though that it does get better, and for me, easier. good luck. keep being brave :)

