Dear Anonymous: A Reply.


I wasn't going to blog today.  I blogged just yesterday, and obviously nobody wants to hear more from me than is necessary because I tend to be incredibly long winded.  But my mind is made up, I need to blog today.  Because I need to address something important.

I, Kristen Ruiz, am the most wretched person on the face of the earth.  I tricked every single one of you in my last post by saying that I had a miscarriage.  Please forgive me for making the shallow mistake of equating a terminated pregnancy to a miscarriage.

You see, since the prognosis of my pregnancy was so poor, I was told that it would eventually end in a miscarriage.  So, I figured I might as well take the doctors advice and terminate things sooner than to deal with a very difficult and potentially harmful miscarriage later.

Today, I speak to you Anonymous.  And to any other woman who feels that I am unjustified in calling a terminated pregnancy a miscarriage.  If you just happen to be reading and plum don't care, allow me to bring you up to date.  

Here is what Miss Anonymous has to say to my last post:

You chose to terminate the pregnancy.  That is NOT a miscarriage.  Your blog used to be really enjoyable to read, but your complete lack of understanding between miscarriage and termination is sickening.  You chose to end your childs life, you did not miscarry.  The way you act as if you are one of millions who have a miscarriage is incredibly insulting to women who truly do have a miscarriage.

And here is what I have to say:

Yes, I chose to terminate my pregnancy.  Although my pregnancy didn't end naturally, I still had to go through the pain and hurt of losing a precious baby.  I went through the unquenchable excitement of seeing a living and moving being on an ultrasound screen, followed quickly thereafter by the news that the life inside of me was very, very ill and it was only a matter of time before it would pass away.

My understanding is that a miscarriage usually occurs before 12 weeks gestation.  This did not happen for me.  Instead, I made it past that mark and had the privilege of beholding a living being.  Is this what disqualifies my experience from being categorized as a miscarriage?

My understanding is that I have the privilege of seeking a second, or third, or even fourth opinion when it comes to making a choice regarding undergoing any type of medical procedure.  So that is what I did.  I asked two ultra sound technicians, two very competent perinatal nurses, two extremely intelligent perinatologists, a counsellor at the women's clinic, and another nurse at the women's clinic if this baby had any chance of making it full term.  I believe that is eight different opinions.  Each one of them told me the same thing: my baby would not make it full term and the best thing I could do would be to terminate the pregnancy.  Do not think for one second that I did not consider and question the morality of terminating a pregnancy.  I believe that life begins at conception and my heart ached when the best thing I could do was to go through a "glorified abortion."  However, I respected each one of these opinions.  In fact, several of the professionals I had more time to speak with reassured me that I was making the best decision possible and that if I was to miscarry further on in the pregnancy I would need a much more difficult procedure performed than the termination.  Is the fact that I got to decide when my pregnancy ended what disqualifies me from claiming to have had a miscarriage?

My understanding is that the ultrasound technician and perinatologist can actually decipher a great deal of information about an unborn baby through the blurry and confusing mess of an ultrasound.  Perhaps you know a lot about Turner's Syndrome, a disorder that often can go full-term, which is why you are so disgusted.  However, for my baby they were also already able to see that it was suffering from heart failure.  It's tiny heart was pumping at an extremely elevated rate.  It's body was beginning to swell and display edema.  In fact, it was even displaying end stage signs of heart failure, the kind of symptoms that an elderly person who has suffered with heart disease for years would display; it's lungs were beginning to fill with a fluid called pulmonary edema.  My poor, precious baby was as ill as a 80 year old man with Heart Disease who had spent his entire life smoking a pack a day and eating McDonalds.  And just like a man like that would eventually end up on life support in an ICU, my baby was on life support too; I was my baby's life support.  And just like the time would eventually come for the family of a very ill man to decide to pull the plug, I was given the choice to do the exact same thing.  And just like the family of the very sick man would weigh all their options and possibilities and eventually come to the decision of doing what was best for this man that they loved, I went through the exact same process of trying to choose what was best for my baby and me.  Is this what disqualifies me from claiming to have suffered a miscarriage?

Last of all, it's my understanding that loss hurts.  Any type of loss.  Whether you're a kid who just lost your pet kitten or a grown woman who just lost her job, loss sucks.  Losing something you held dear and then mourning that loss are probably the most uncomfortable feelings a person will ever encounter in their entire life.  So whether that loss is called "being dumped" or "getting fired" or "having a miscarriage" or "terminating a pregnancy," the fact is you are going through a loss and it hurts really bad.  They're all different words for the same thing.  Loss hurts terribly and my loss was called a terminated pregnancy.  Is having the wrong titled for my loss what disqualifies me from claiming to have suffered a miscarriage?

Dear Anonymous, please forgive my lack of understanding, the understanding I have just presented to you.  I have never, ever in my life composed a post where my main goal was to insult and sicken my readers.  I feel bad that something I wrote to uplift and inspire created such an adverse reaction from you.  However, I am not alone.  Please be aware that the internet is filled with comments and blogs of women who have been through the exact same loss as myself and who also call it a miscarriage.  Are you angry with them as well?

Lastly, I'm sorry for your own loss Anonymous.  I'm guessing you have gone through a miscarriage, or have at least had someone you're close to suffer one.  Since I'm not technically speaking from experience, I can only assume that a miscarriage must be a truly terrible loss to go through.  I'm sorry for your pain and by no means did I mean to discredit it by claiming a terminated pregnancy could hurt as much as a miscarriage.  I'm sad you no longer find my blog enjoyable to read, however, even after your scornful comment, I still find blogging an enjoyable thing to do.  If you wish to continue this conversation, please contact me by email.  I would love to meet you.  


  1. I have to completely agree with you. No matter what the terms are if its termination or miscarriage, They both consist on the action of fate....

  2. Why do people have to get so involved in other people's lives and choices? This person truly made me sick. Mind your own business.

  3. But thanks for being brave and brilliant and taking the time to respond to this person, even though I'm sure it wasn't an easy thing to hear someone say or an easy thing to reply to.

  4. While I do agree there is a difference, I dont think one hurts more than the other. In your case the end result would have been the same, the loss of a preciuos, desired child. Youre an amazing inspiration, and are going to be a fantastic earth mommy and an even more fantastic mommy to your precious baby in heaven one day!
    Hats of to you for such a brave, polite reply.
    I wouldnt let the comment get under your skin, its probably just a touchy subject for the commenter!

  5. No matter how much you try to justify what you chose to do it doesnt change the fact that you CHOSE to have an abortion. Trying to explain it away doesnt make it any more ok. I fully understand that you PROBABLY WOULDNT have had the chance to give birth to a living baby but at least you would have done your best rather than give up on your child, your body, and God. IF and WHEN God wanted that precious soul back in Heaven HE would have taken care of it without your childish intervention.

    1. Nothing is ever black and white. Sure there are ideals we all need to strive to live by, but in the end, it is God who decides who is right and who is wrong. I've had a miscarriage, and I imagined myself in Kristin's situation. I do not envy having to make that choice. Life is always easier when the choice is made for you, but life isn't easy. I hope the day you have to make a decision that you once thought would be black and white, no one would judge you so harshly.

  6. Well that person SUCKS ^^^^^^ I really hope they see my comment so they can see this: YOU SUCK.

    Nope, I'm not as calm as you. My blood is boiling. I am sorry for what you had to go through Kristen. You are brave, and you did the right thing. People that get in other people's business and think they know what they are going through and what decisions are right for them are idiots. You can never know how a person feels...and every person is different. I honestly think you are one of the bravest people I know, and I mean it. People can be cruel, don't let it get to you.

    And I love your blog more than ever.

  7. I want to voice my opinion on this matter since medically, I have the knowledge and experience to vouch. There is a difference between a therapeutic abortion, and an elective abortion. You received a therapeutic abortion, and are receiving ridicule as if you had an elective abortion. The strongly voiced opinion of health care professionals almost makes a therapeutic abortion an order rather than a choice. If you did not terminate your pregnancy at the time you did you could have brought harm to yourself. And based on the fact your baby was in end stage heart failure, your baby most certainly would have died before full term. I admire the strength you have had through this. And I believe any mother in the same position would have heeded their doctor's strongly encouraged advice.

    1. Thank you for sharing this. You illustrated facts I failed to express. You really don't have much of a choice when put in this position. The doctors make all the appointments for you and you're told to show up. With all the devastation surrounding a situation like this, it's nearly impossible to step back and tell them no.

  8. I am 100% with Tina Wilde! I went into a rampage when I read this "Christians" comment. First of all Miss Anonymous, LEARN THE DOCTRINE OF THE CHURCH, with regards to your other comment about Kristen being LDS (specifically about the church's stance on abortion). Also Miss Anonymous, your comments seem like you're purposefully trying to hurt Kristen when you should have a christ-like attitude and be sympathetic and understanding to what she had to go through. Ignorance bugs me. Kristen you are awesome. Don't let ignorance overcome self worth.

  9. My heart hurts for you. I can not even begin to imagine the pain you went through. I am so sorry for the comments being made. You are a beautiful strong woman. I hope you know that and don't dwell on those inconsiderate hurtful comments.

  10. Science--and the knowledge it brings--is a beautiful thing. And God helped in/allowed its advances for good reason.

    I'm reminded of a fable of sorts. A man sitting on his rooftop during a flood, praying to God to save him. A boat comes along and beckons the man to hope in and ride to safety. "No, God will save me." The water rises, the man keeps praying. "Please, God. If you love me, save me from the flood." Not long after another boat passes by and offers the man a seat. He turns them down and continues praying. Eventually the water is too high; the man drowns. He meets God in heaven and can't help from bursting out, "why didn't you save me?! I've devoted my whole life to you and you let me die." God replies that he tried to save the man, those boats were sent by Him.

    This is getting somewhat long-winded. Point is, science is our friend. It's here to help. The opinions of medical professionals should not be ignored because you want God to do it all. Maybe it would have been easier if your baby had died early on and you didn't have to make the decision to terminate the pregnancy but that's not what happened. I can only assume you were praying to God throughout it all, "save me." And he did.

    Love and support to you, Kristen!

    1. Heather, how the heck can I get ahold of you? I seem to remember you saying you don't have Facebook -- how about email or a blog? If your blog is private may I please read it? My address is

      Thank you so much for sharing that fable. It was so insightful - not only in this situation, but also in other situations in life! I appreciated the story and your refreshing and kind comment. You're such an intelligent woman :) Let's please hang out soon again - even if it is going to a movie!!

  11. Kristen, my heart goes out to you. As someone who has had also experienced a miscarriage, I can't imagine the pain that you have had to go through. Seeing your baby on that screen and then knowing that it wouldn't make it to term would be so hard! I miscarried at 9 weeks, and the baby had died around 6 weeks, so I didn't even see it moving or anything. I think what you went through is way harder than what I did. Seeing your sweet baby moving and knowing that it would eventually miscarry is a very hard thing to have to go through. You made the best decision you could have made for yourself and the baby. I appreciate your honesty about everything and your desire to help others along the way. I'm sorry that people choose to write horrible negative things to you, when they (probably) haven't been through these things themselves. I love your blog and I love being around you. You are truly a breath of fresh air, and I applaud you for responding in a kind and loving way to the people who weren't even brave enough to put their names by their judgemental comments.

  12. I really appreciate what Heather and Alex have commented above! You are an amazing, caring person, and that didn't change the day you decided to terminate the pregnancy. While these people have every right to voice their opinions on your decisions, I find more heartbreaking that they can choose to say hurtful things while hiding behind the mask of "Anonymous". While I might have had the same opinion as they had in ignorance of your full situation - I'm very glad that you've chosen to elaborate on such a personal and sad time of your life, to make it clear that this was absolutely the best decision for yourself and your baby. You know you are in the right, so whatever anyone else may think or say simply doesn't matter. You are a brave woman and I very much admire the way you chose to respond to a harsh comment - It says a lot about your true character when you can respond in a kind way. Love you lots!

  13. How is the comment from annonymous (whether its one person or more) a harsh comment, hurtful or ignorant? The fact of the matter is she chose termination and was trying to hide behind it and justify it as a miscarriage.
    It may have been the best choice for herself and her family, but even in this post its always been a constant need to justify her decision and to play it off as a miscarriage. If she was truly comfortable and confident in the decision to decide to have an abortion then why the need to try to make it sound like anything other than what it was? If she felt it was the right choice then why make an entire post dedicated to justifying her choice? It is nobodys business what she did or why she did it, she put it out there and opended herself up to a VERY heated topic, its only fair to expect to hear both sides of the choice.
    I have taken the time to read the comments and honestly dont think annonymous was overly rude or hurtful, just opinionated. Most of the rude comments are actually from others towards this annonymous person.
    I dont agree with Kristen's decision BUT I dont think she is a horrible person for deciding to have an abortion either.

  14. I think to say that she should be completely comfortable with her choice to terminate her pregnancy if she felt it was the right choice is completely unfair. Kristen, I love you and I can't imagine the inner turmoil you went through while making this decision. Neither option was a good option, and even though you chose the one that made the most sense logically I'm sure your heart was never fully convinced. How could it be? I don't and will never blame you for any decision you made regardless of my opinion. I know I can never understand what you went through and are going through whether or not I go through a similar experience because I am not you. I admire your strength to make a decision. I understand that was probably the hardest decision you ever had to make and you had the strength to move forward. I'm glad to know you and honored that you are willing to share your experiences and thoughts with all of your readers. Thank you.

  15. This just further solidifies my previous comment on the last post-- you. are. awesome.

  16. Wow. I guess this is as good a time as any to come out of the closet as one of your readers! I can't believe how my blood is boiling over this. Kristen, you are brave and strong and polite. I don't know how you kept your composure in that reply, but I commend you for it! I don't know if I would have had the tact or the emotional stability to keep my cool. ha.

    I read about your situation last fall and my heart broke for you. What a horrible decision that NO ONE ever wants to make. The church's stance on abortion is clear, there are only three reasons for which it is justified, and I'm pretty sure that your situation fulfilled two of those (I have the handbook right in front of me as I type). What a personal/emotional/spiritual decision you had to make. I don't know why there is an argument about it. Bashing someone about this is ridiculous.

    Another definition of miscarriage is: "An unsuccessful outcome of something planned." So there you go. I would definitely classify your situation as a "miscarriage."

    Judge not, that ye be not judged.

    The end.

    p.s. I think you rock and I love your blog!

    Kelsey (Jensen) Hansen

  17. Good for you for being so calm and mature through something so hurtful and insulting. I would totally have lashed out. I found the previous blog post very inspiring, which I believe was your intention. I trust that you made a well-thought out decision and if you feel like it was the right thing to do, the thing that Heavenly Father would've wanted yout to do, then I don't think you have anything to worry about. I don't see why people feel they have to bash things they don't agree with. Newsflash: people are different and therefore have different opinions! It doesn't mean you need to be judgemental and rude.

    I'll stop my ranting now haha :)

  18. I'm also coming out of the closet as being one of your readers. I think this is a situation of "this is between mom and dad and god" Absolutely no one has a right to say what she should've done. no one. I admire you for voicing your story on your blog.

  19. I don't know you (I found your blog via Emme, my sister-in-law) but I just wanted to say that your honesty and strength, both in the telling of your story and this reply, are inspiring. The world would be a kinder, better place if more people had your bravery and compassion.

  20. Kristen, you are AMAZING! Your ability to take a trial, any trial, and learn from it is such a blessing in your life and in the lives of those around you. I admire you for all you do and say. I love your blog, and I hope the only thing you ever feel when you look back on these past few days is the love you have from so many friends and family.

  21. Hi Kristen,

    My heart also broke as I read your posts about your baby. All I can say is I am learning from you and I appreciate you so much. Happy one year anniversary :) Hopefully we'll see you this summer! :)

    Love you

