The Snotty Runner


I realized something the other day.  I'm a snotty runner.

No, I don't run in fancy expensive workout clothes.  I'm pretty sure I'm still running in some of the same shorts and tops I've had for the past five years.

No, I don't obsess over distances, times, and calories burned.  Although, I totally used to.

The reason I'm so snotty is because I have to run on trails.  I loathe treadmills.  I'm not a big fan of city sidewalks and streets.  I need trails.

I love the soft muddy trails trimmed with moss and sprinkled with pine needles.  I get high off of the smells of wildflowers and pine trees.  I can't get enough of the roller coaster ups and downs of the trail terrain.  I love the trees and bushes surrounding me, especially the places where they're so thick I feel like I'm running through a tunnel.  I love coming to a fork in the trail and letting my feet make the split second decision of which way I'll go.  I love finding new beautiful views.  I love crossing paths with wildlife.  I could go on and on.  I just love trails.

And that my friends is why I'm a snotty runner.

But - I'm not so snotty that I wouldn't share my wonderful secret trails with anyone.  Consider this an invitation to go for a trail run sometime this summer if you're down!  


  1. I'm the same way, Kristen! Hopefully someday we'll both live in a place (not in the city) where trails are in abundance.

  2. mmmmm, made me jealous. Looks beautiful!

  3. Haha I thought you were going to say something about snot rockets and blowing your nose into your shirt. Because that's how I'm a snotty runner. Trail running is fun too though!

  4. Is this that place you were telling me about??? Sooo beautiful!!!

    1. Kate!!! Yes, this is the place!! Does it qualify for being compared to Waterton?

  5. I agree! I very much dislike treadmills myself and will only run outside! When I lived in Calgary I had a trail 5 mins down the road. It was my favourite place to run and it makes me wish I could easily run for an hour again. I plan to be able to, far I am scraping by with 30 mins. Ha! Oh well. Soon. Thanks for posting.

