MY Magnificent Life


Not too long ago I wrote a post whining about how my life isn't magnificent because I wasn't born 100 years earlier.  Thankfully, the people who commented on said post were able to set me straight and help me realize that although I may not have to wash my clothes by hand or milk a cow every morning and evening, I can still have a magnificent life.  The terms of my magnificent life are just a bit different from the lives I find so magnificent.

I've decided that one way my life can be more magnificent is by gaining more control over the technology in my life.  Specifically my phone.  So, (and feel free to laugh at me… because Jon sure did) I bought this:

BEHOLD!  The Hype Rotary Style Retro Handset (okay.. I'm ticked.. I paid 3x more for this gadget when I bought it, and now they're selling it for $9!!)  Essentially it's just a glorified phone dock, but the handset plugs into the headphone jack and you can talk on a phone like in the olden days.  This is now where my phone resides when I am at home.  I've whined and complained about getting a landline so I wouldn't be so distracted by my smart phone (in italics because the amount of time I spend on it is STUPID), but cell phones are just so convenient, especially when your husband thinks the apocalypse would commence if you were to leave the house without one.

So this is one way I'm trying to make my life more magnificent.  I feel quite confident that this is a step in the right direction for improving myself personally, but also for making myself a better mother to Sheriff.  When I think back to my childhood, there was no object my mom constantly toted around and stared at.  I never had to compete for my mom's attention, and I certainly didn't long to yank an electronic device out of her hands so I could stare at it instead.

Do you think I'm a loony?  Well, there are articles that back up this way of thinking.  Check them out!

Reasons Why Handheld Devices Should Be Banned for Children Under the Age of 12

Why Steve Jobs Didn't Let His Kids Use iPads (And Why You Shouldn't Either)


  1. Haha where on Earth did you buy that thing! It's amazing!! HA! And thanks for the reminder to be more hands free. I have read those articles before and definitely needed the reminder!

  2. I definitely am convinced that constant technological stimulation leads to attention disorders in developing brains. It makes so much sense to me. It's so bad for me that I have to consciously tell myself (when I think of it) that it's okay to sit in a public area without having to feel occupied on my phone. I needed this reminder.

  3. You are not loony! I think I tell myself everyday that I will be better and that I wont look at my ipad while sienna is awake because I hate that she finds it as the most interesting toy and I don't want her to feel as though she is fighting for my attention. I hate technology sometimes.

