I miss blogging.


I used to classify myself as a blogger, however I don't feel like I meet the specifications any longer.  I don't really read other blogs.  I don't blog consistently.  I rarely even look at the thing.  If my blog were a garden, it would look something like this:



Why would I let this happen to what used to be one of my most prized possessions?!

When I really sit down and think about it, I come to the conclusion that there is an underlying motive behind the time people invest in their hobbies.  For example, I love to read classic literature.  But when I'm really being honest with myself, a big part of the reason that I love reading these sometimes awfully dry, terribly long, and quite difficult books is because I like to be able to tell people I've read such-and-such.  And I also like to challenge myself!  But I'd be lying if I didn't admit I enjoy the warm flush of pride I feel by saying, "Oh, that book?  Yeah, I've read it."  So there's that.  And I guess what I'm trying to say is that I've lost my motive for blogging.

I used to blog because I was a super emo single adult that wanted to make sense of life and being a grownup.  

Then I started to blog for attention.  Who knew watching the number of followers one had could be such a rush?

Next I blogged because I was super unhappy and homesick and dealing with what was soon to be diagnosed as . . . 

Depression.  I blogged about depression a lot because it consumed me and blogging helped me to fight my way out.

Then I wrote about whatever happened to cross my mind and intrigue me.

And now I just straight up have nothing.  I really have no motive to blog.  And it makes me sad.  Because I wish I did.

Don't get me wrong.  My life is still eventful.  Being a mom is the most work and fun I've ever had.  Motherhood is what consumes me now.  I just don't really have much insight to share on the topic since I'm an amateur and I feel quite strongly that Sheriff's childhood does not belong on the internet. And so I'm silent.

What is your motive for blogging?


  1. I use to blog several times a week and I loved it! It was all about my kids and I love going back and reading all these things that I otherwise would have forgotten about them. But as I have more kids something has to give. I don't have time for it all and then Instagram was like my quick blogging. But now I feel like I don't even have as much time for Instagram! And I'm trying not to always have my phone on me (thanks to a blog post you wrote which a line of it haunts me every time I ignore my kids while I'm on my phone) so I don't take as much pictures. There's only so much I can do I guess and now my journal will have to suffice. I do love reading your blog and your insites on life but don't beat yourself up if your priorities shift!

  2. I still blog at least once a week - but it's mostly to put up all our pictures and comment on what's been going on. My blog used to be for everyone, but now it's just for my kiddos. I feel like anything I'm doing (record wise) is to leave for them/grandchildren when I'm not around. I want to show them that we had a great life - we had struggles and challenges, but man alive, it's so great. That's why I blog :)

  3. I hear ya. I haven't been keeping up with blogging lately because I've just been straight up busy. I'd rather be writing a musical than blogging. But there's still the odd time I feel like I'd like to report on certain things. And at first I blogged because my sis was moving away and this was a chance to keep in touch. And then I moved away from my family, and it was a way for my Mom to know what we were up to. And then it turned into a journal that I like printing out to have for posterity. I suck at journaling by hand, so this is the next best thing for me. I do agree that some things are too private to blog so no one's judging you for taking a break. Enjoy that beautiful baby!

