One Man's Junk...


This house used to be on Main Street back in my hometown.  It belonged to a man named Spud Kitigawa.  My uncle purchased it, knocked it down, and built something new.  Fortunately, before it got knocked down, I got to spend a few hours exploring.  Spud left a great deal of stuff behind.  Stuff both him and my husband would agree is junk.  But you know how the saying goes.  "One man's junk, is another man's treasure."  Here are the treasures I found.

Here are some pearls of wisdom I found in an old Buddhist text in the basement.

I may or may not have left with a few trinkets...

I don't know why I'm drawn to old things, but I am.  My Grandma Gibb calls me "sentimental."  My husband thinks that I am mental.  But to me, these things really are all treasure.


  1. I am jealous! That is something I would love to do. He left some neat pieces of history behind!

  2. A lot of those things are antiques! way to go Kristen! i would of done the same thing

  3. WHAT??? You just made junk look like treasures. Come to my Peru garage sale on the 27. Im sure you could turn that junk into treasures too.

  4. I have always wanted to go through an old house like that. That would have been so interesting. I would have brought more than a few things home, I think, and my husband would have thought I was mental too. SENTImental is a much nicer way to put it.

    1. We are kindred spirits! Haha, husbands don't know treasures when they see them!

  5. That's amazing! I too have a fondness for "old things". I live right next door to this lot and now I'm sad I missed your adventure. Come say hi sometime. :)

  6. This is so funny because I would literally bug Tyler EVERY DAY about how much I wanted to buy that house and restore it. I shed a tear when it was torn down. Ha!

    1. Be grateful you didn't buy it! I don't think any amount of work could have made that house inhabitable. The basement was literally dirt. And the floor plan just wasn't very family friendly. There was a sort of secondary suite on the second floor.

  7. I love this. How neat! And haha Barb!

