8 Minute Memoir - Day One


Remember when everyone used to blog?!  I seriously used to be more excited to check my blog feed than I was to look at Facebook and Instagram combined.  But then blogging died.  My blog even died as well.  It just wasn't that cool anymore.  And it's made me sad.  It's just hard to think of stuff to write about/when you have free time to write your brain is 100% fried by life.  But I have hope.  An author is putting together an 8 Minute Memoir challenge.  Please do it with me!  I promise to read your blog and comment so that you feel more motivated to keep going.  Comment with your blog link!  Anyways, here's my Day One entry.

"I Remember"

I remember when I used to call my mom every night.  I needed to.  It was a coping mechanism I'm pretty sure.  My roommates thought it was strange, but I thought it was weird they didn't need to call their moms everyday too.  I had just moved away for school.  I was living up in Edmonton and every night around 7, I would cozy up in a great big love sack in the living room to phone home and tell my mom all about my day and find out everything I was missing at home.  Now that I think of this, my mom probably sacrificed a good chunk of her relaxing evenings to entertain and listen to a homesick 18 year old.  The phone calls weren't often openly homesick and sad.  I was happy and busy.  Most importantly busy - because that helps you from ever questioning too much if you're really happy.  So the phone call was part ritual.  I guess what makes this a memory is because I no longer have this ritual.  And that's sad.  I'm like my roommates were.  Sure, I still call home, but those calls aren't so much for me anymore.  They aren't purely selfish like they once were.  Heck, they're not even on a landline anymore (yes, I called home on a communal landline the house I lived in had - no cellphone for Kristen until I was almost 20!) - these calls nowadays are on an iPhone with FaceTime so a doting grandma can SEE her grand babies.  I remember when my mom used to bug me about grand babies too.  I thought she was crazy and even a little overbearing.

There you have it - 8 minutes and I'm done.  And you got to learn something that I remember.


  1. Aw this makes me want to blog again!

  2. So sweet. I bet your mom loved it. Can you even imagine how much we are going to miss our babies when they leave home.
    Also, I love when you blog!

