8 Minute Memoir - Day Two


Day Two - "I don't remember"


I don't exactly remember when it was that Calgary began to feel like home to me.  At first it began to feel more like a place that needed me here because I had things like school, a job, and church callings making me stay put.  I don't remember when those responsibilities made the change from being things I needed to stick around Calgary for, to things I wanted to stay in Calgary for.  I don't remember when the conveniences in Calgary began to be taken for granted and just plum expected.  I don't remember when it became relieving to be coming back to Calgary after being out of town for a week or few days.  I don't remember when it began to feel like my life and friends and things I looked forward to all were in Calgary.  I don't remember when I began to identify Calgary as home, but now that I'm moving tomorrow (what past Kristen would have added a big fat FINALLY to before the word moving), I find myself feeling all of those things and being caught rather off guard.  I don't remember when down south, Raymond, SOAB, was no longer considered home and when Calgary suddenly was.  Am I going to look forward to the next time I get to drive back up to Calgary?  Am I going to cling to Calgary like I did to back home when I first moved up here?  Am I going to constantly wish I was somewhere I'm not?  I hope not.  Because now that I'm leaving, I realize I should have allowed Calgary to become all of those things sooner, rather than fighting it for so long.  I could have loved my time up here longer.

Yup - if you haven't heard, here's the news - Jon and I are moving down to Lethbridge.  Jon has been accepted to the U of L and will be starting a science degree on Wednesday.  


  1. Woah! Change is great though. Especially when it's change that is meant to propel your future forward and make life a little easier. Like school. Or post-school I should say. Looking forward to hearing more about it.

  2. I'm excited for you guys to start your new Lethbridge chapter of your life, but sad you're not in Calgary anymore! And I'm also very excited about these memoirs! I might have to start this up too...

  3. I didn't know you were in lethbridge! Maybe some nice fall day we could come explore the ravine behind your house with your girls?

