Monday Morning


1.  Every so often I find a song that relates to me just so perfectly that I can't help but listen to it on repeat for days.  At the moment that particular song happens to be "Monday Morning" by Death Cab for Cutie from their new album "Codes and Keys".

I cry out "Love keep your arms around me",
I am a bird that's in need of grounding,
I'm built to fly away, I never learned how to stay.

2.  My sister Hannah graduated this week.  I was able to make it to the "Fashion Show" where all of the graduates walk down a ramp modelling their spiffy gowns and tuxes while their plans for the future are being read to the audience.  It made me laugh to think of my own graduation and how certain I was my future would unfold exactly how the announcer was telling everyone when I was on that ramp.  I thank my lucky stars that I'm not where I thought I would be back then.  In fact, my future has since then been so entirely fluid that I honestly can't say where or what I'll even be doing this fall.  Only one thing is for sure, I'm going to be happy.

3.  Christmas has come and gone yet again this year.  Wait, I mean, July 1st.  I honestly love the July 1st weekend more than any other holiday. And I'm realizing it's not because of the beautiful weather, the home made root beer, the beef and beans, or the fireworks.  It's because of the people I get to spend time with.  Each year I'm more impressed and inspired by my cousins as I get to know them better.  I'm always going to cherish these memories of simply talking to them and observing their perspectives on life, because I can only see this holiday continuing to change into something very far from what it once was.  Life's too short and the First of July is too rare to pass up the chance to sing hymns with Grandma, sit and talk with Grandpa, and stay up far too late with cousins.  The only constant is change and I know it's going to hurt when this holiday changes.  For now, it's so refreshing to spend a weekend focussed on ultimately the only thing that really matters and brings true happiness: family.


  1. kristen this is spot on - i would take july 1st over christmas any day! and your right - it is too rare of an occasion to pass up...even if you have to dip into your student loans to afford it...

  2. love it! i wish that you told us what they announced that you'd be doing, as you walked down that ramp.
    tears came to my eyes while reading about the 1st. unfortunatly life is too short, and the 1st is too rare. i love singing to gma!
    i love you.

