
Puttin' Up a Fight

It's Sunday night.  And I'm just sitting here.  Struggling to blog about something.

It's not that my week was uneventful.  And it's not that I didn't think about and ponder and experience some neat things this week, because I did.

I had to say good bye to some of my best friends on Monday morning.

I got to sit on Bears Hump and listen to this song a few times.

I had a co-worker get really, really mad at me.  Oopsies!

My great friend Alyssa and I threw a terrific pool party, complete with tons of ice cream at my house after swimming.

I got to catch up with a little critter our family found in a hollowed tree beside our house.

And... I slept in.  More than once.  And I felt really bad about it.  Because each night before, I had told myself I was going to get up at a decent time and do something productive.  You know, like really seize the day.  Carpe diem and all that jazz.  But no.  As soon as that alarm would start ringing, I would get a killer case of "Apathy", the kind that completely wipes out all logical thought processes and renders the victim, in this case, ME, to nothing more than a subconsciously drooling and slumbering slob.  

Which brings me right back to where I started.  I am struggling to blog tonight.  Which has made me realize that not only do I struggle from this disease "Apathy" in the AM, it's creeping into my system in the PM!  This is a little frightening.

Do you know how much I could have accomplished by now in my life if I hadn't come down with this terrible disease?  Do you know how debilitating "Apathy" really is?!

If it wasn't for "Apathy" I would have... 

...started this blog almost 4 months before I did.
...jogged around 20 kms more than I did last week.
...said my evening prayers with a little more thought and regard last night.
...went out of my way to say "Hi" to more people at church today.
...probably written a book by now.
...done a lot of things that I haven't yet that I still want to do.

Fortunately, I was able to get a swift kick in the behind in regards to "Apathy", which has hopefully cured me, or at least triggered some sort of healing process.  

Last week, I dug out my old grade 12 yearbook to make a new page for my blog (you should check it out, it's up top and called "An Explanation").  While skimming through it, I came across the infamous last page, you know, the one that's mostly just print that no one ever takes the time to look at because let's face it, nobody reads anything in a yearbook.  Well, I did just the opposite and read it, but only because I was the nerd that got to write a portion of it and I wanted to know what I had to say back then.  Who knew my 18 year old advice would end up helping my 22 year old self so much.  Please enjoy, a portion of the last page of my yearbook...

"I never really thought that anyone ever took the time to read what the principal and student body president have to say at the end of the yearbook.  Mr. Beazer's last words are probably much more interesting than what I have to say, seeing how you had to listen to me giving the announcements every morning, while you probably never even heard Mr. Beazer say one thing all year.  Yet, if I've somehow managed to capture your attention, you must be expecting me to say something meaningful, perhaps profound.  Firstly, it would be a terrible shame for me to not comment on our excellence in both academics and athletics.  I would like to personally congratulate the student body on another year of continued and expanded excellence.  Now that I've got that out of the way, I'd like to provide you with a valuable piece of advice.  Fight teenage apathy.  Fight it for all you're worth.  Seriously, these are the best years of your life and most of use choose to sit back and watch them fly by.  The students attending RHS during the totally rad year of '007 are seriously an awesome bunch.  Yet, as "secret agents", our mission needs to be maintaining our awesomeness.  Don't retire to the confines of your comfortable niches, get out of your comfort zones and experience new things!  If you dream of being a professional square dancer, start today and don't be embarrassed!  If you want to be a world renown rabbit breeder, ignore the scoffs and scorns of those careless peers and do what you want!  Remember, "The World Is Not Enough!"  Thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve as Prez! - KGIBB"

Bring it "Apathy", I'm gunna fight you!
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