20 Ways to Happiness


I'm pretty sure Joseph Smith summed things up right when he said, "Happiness is the object and design of our existence."

I know without a shout of a doubt that I'm here with the specific purpose to be happy.  So naturally, when my teacher clicked to a powerpoint slide entitled "20 Ways to Happiness", I couldn't help but suddenly start paying attention.  Not that I wasn't already...  Okay fine.  I probably wasn't.

Anyways, what I would like to do is spend the next month or so actually putting each one of these 20 points to the test.  Will they really lead me to happiness?

But you're already happy.

Not as happy as I'd like to be.  I've had a fair share of discomfort and disappointment with myself in the past little while, so this experiment comes at much needed time.  And even if I was already pretty happy, it's always possible to be a little happier right?

Wish me luck!


  1. Umm I want to know what these 20 points are!!

  2. Yeah, me too. Looking forward to reading what you have to say about it!

