Blogging For The Sake Of Blogging.


I wish I had more time to blog.  I would write the most wonderful things.  Funny things.  Inspiring things.  I would seriously blow everyone's mind.  Okay, maybe not that, but I would really enjoy myself.  Instead I'm stuck writing ten page papers about Aristotle and Saint Augustine for a class.  I'm stuck making powerpoint presentations about Human Resources.  And I'm stuck writing notes about psychology.

Please enjoy a blog post about nothing.  I lack the time to put together something intelligent, so this is simply a post for the sake of blogging.  To satisfy my blogging craving.

1.  I like to take pictures on my iPhone and then edit them.  Instagram was getting overrated, so I found some other really neat photo editing apps.  They make my pictures more 'artistic'.  You should check out the apps, they are FilterMania 2 & BeFunky.  Here are some of my lovely pictures.

I post the finish product on Instagram after doing all the prior editing.  If you wanna follow me, I'm kgibbgibb.  Perhaps you've noticed I don't follow anyone.  I realized Instagram was an unnecessary time waster.  As much as I loved looking at everyone else's lovely pictures, I was spending too much time on it.  I love editing pictures of my own, but as soon as I start following people and randomly checking it every hour I feel like I've got a problem.  I'm a weirdo I know, but this seems to be working for me.

2.  I got asked to write a guest post on someone else's blog.  This is my first guest post ever.  You can read it HERE.  The blog is called Living Sideways.  Tara, the girl who writes it has a specific section called "Body Positive" where she asks people to write about how they are positive about their own self-image.  She's a really neat girl, you should check out more of her other "Body Positive" posts if you have the time.  And if that's something you're interested in.

3.  I mentioned before that I am a music thief.  I jack music from YouTube videos.  Please forgive me.  Anyways, I might as well share the wealth if I'm getting it all for free right?  Here are some cool bands/songs you should check out if you're bored.

I love chill folky music.  I even work out to it.  And study to it.  And wash the dishes to it.  

4.  The Gibb family got family pictures done.  I love them.  If you need a good photographer, check out my friend Arianne over at Everglow Photography.  Or you can follow her on her photography blog right HERE.  Enjoy some pictures.

We have a picture just like this from when we were little girls!

Gosh I just love my family :)

5.  Umm, my husband is the best.  I feel like we're just playing house.  We're seriously a couple of kids who give each other wedgies when the other one is least expecting it.  I love ya Jonny.

And that's about all I have time to write.  Forgive me for how random all this was.  Peace.


  1. gosh i love new music more than anything! and that isbells got me excited. thanks for the tunes! and your family pictures are gorge!

    1. I owe you a thanks too! Your post a while back with a video from The Staves has changed my musical taste! I'll be to share anymore good jams.

  2. Thanks so much for the photo creed! Your fam is so lovely! : ) Also thanks for sharing your awesome music

  3. Replies
    1. Hey -- Thank YOU for the amazing pictures!! They are so awesome, I love them so much.

  4. Random posts are my fav! You guys are the cutest!

