
I Am Not A Zombie. Really.

One of the hardest parts of being diagnosed with depression was suddenly being put into a category with such a negative stigma. I went from being “Kristen the Normal and Mentally Sound” to “Kristen the Crazy and Mentally Unstable.” Because everyone knows mental illness is a really nice way of saying that a person is a psycho, right?

A big reason why I chose to be so candid and blog about my weakness is because I used to be one of “those” people; the kind of people that have very little understanding or compassion for mental illness.  Now that I am no longer one of "those" people, my goal is to help them better understand, and to also bring a positive voice to something that isn't just a "bad mood."

So today I present a documentary. Please enjoy.

Although the majority of my little documentary was cheesy and canned, I'm proud/embarrassed to admit I actually do stuff like that.  And I actually have depression.  Yeah, there can be some pretty dark times, but those times for me all took place before I sought treatment and chose to accept this trial.  Nowadays, I know that I am a stronger and happier person for having gone through this.  With the knowledge and experience I've gained from depression, I almost feel as if I'm a more fun loving and silly person.  I now have a better perspective of what really matters.  Trust me when I say laughing and being happy is one of those things.

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not encouraging everyone to go out and start talking through a "hand jackal" or doing the "sexy dance" everywhere.  Those are just my signature moves.  What I do recommend is taking life easy and not making your trials, shortcomings, and weaknesses your identity or dictate your enjoyment of life.  

So in closing, I leave you with something that makes me laugh.  Really hard.  Check out this guy's blog, his pictures and humour kill me.  Some personal favourites are: "If Dating Was Five Times More Honest and Ten Times More Efficient" and "When People Ask Me Why I'm Not Dating Someone"
Or, you can just check out the whole blog by clicking on the button!

8 comments on "I Am Not A Zombie. Really."
  1. Your a doll Kristen. Good for you for being who you are and not letting something you can't control define you. I really enjoy your posts keep them coming!!

    1. Thank you so much Ashley! I love looking at your blog too! You and Ian are so good and writing and your little boy is ADORABLE!

  2. your skeleton mask and scream literally scared the shiz out of me. kudos!

    1. tee heee! Sorry! That's what I was going for though, so thank you.

  3. Kristen, you are simply amazing!! I discovered your blog awhile back and from someone who is also experiencing depression, you are simply remarkable. I love how you are not afraid to talk about it and I love all of you Rx pictures!! Have a great day!

    1. You are so kind! Thank you for the compliment, I hope you have a great day too!

  4. Bahahahaha Seriously!!!!! My 2-year-old was sitting playing beside me and happen to look up right at your first scare face. The look on his face would have made you really really happy you scared him so bad. Loved the documentary. Think I'm going to watch it when I'm feeling down to get me a little boost.

    1. Haha, I hope I didn't make him cry! I'm sorry little Peter! P.S. Kassidy and I think all your kids are so CUTE!!
