Getting More Optimistic


People are just so nice.  Thank you nice people.  You know who you are.

I'm beginning to see the light at the end of this tunnel people have been reassuring me about.  I'm confident the very worst part of this whole ordeal has been having so much time off to sit and stew about things.  Today I have kept busy and it has paid off.

I hope I haven't come off as a whiner.  That was never my intention.  I like to share hard stuff so that when someone else has the great pleasure of running into a similar experience they can know that they are definitely not alone.  That in fact, a bigger baby like myself survived that experience, so they can be reassured that they can do it too!

Since posting last, I have decided that it is nice to remember hard times, even if while you're going through it all you want to do is forget.  My dear mother gave me this little memento to remember.

My little angel.  To be honest, I've destroyed the wings because I actually slept with it for a couple nights.  Oh well.

I call this bookshelf "The Shrine."  It makes me smile these days.

Thanks for the tulips Hatchet.  I love them.

Anyways.  Thought I'd post something a little more optimistic than what I've been posting lately.  Life is good.  Here, listen to this song to make you even more happy.

Thanks for being nice, you nice people.  Have a good week.


  1. That's a really great idea, a little shrine, to not only the trial itself, but reminding you especially how you overcame it.

  2. I especially love that 'Community' is on your shrine shelf ;)

    1. Bahahaha, I wondered if anyone else would notice that. The "shrine" is a very appropriate place for it too.... haha

