A Bit About Me.


I was going to blog yesterday because it was my birthday and it just felt like an excellent day to blog. But things didn't work as planned.  You see, the Nap Gods have forsaken me.  What was once a hallowed and sacred two hours of my day has been snatched away as some kind of cruel and unusual punishment.  What did I do to deserve this?!  okay... I know full well what I did.  We packed up the playpen and now Sheriff sleeps on a real bed.  This means she can now saunter on out of her bed to taunt me whenever she pleases.  Which is every nap and every night.  Question, how the *swear words* does she know what side of the bed I sleep on?

So then since today was a new day I figured I could blog at nap time.  Ha.  How naive of me.  The girls really had me fooled though.  For an entire 15 minutes they slept in unison.  Then Sheriff awoke and sauntered over.  I escorted her back to bed and stood as a most terrifying sentry to ensure sleep captured her for good this time.  Ahhh, blessed silence.  Then it was Logan's turn.  She decided the soother that had been keeping her content and pacified was no longer doing it's job and began to cry.  I pick her up and begin shoving the soother around her gummy mouth while whispering, "shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up."  In a kind and motherly type way of course.  Cue Sheriff waking up again with the vengeance of a bear interrupted from hibernation.  I place Logan in the swing by Sheriff's room while doing everything in my power to soothe the child banshee.  Logan looks at us all wide eyed and bushy tailed.  She's awake and happy, almost as if pleased with herself for waking big sister.  Game over.  Me time has been stolen yet again by mom time.

ANYWAYS, what I WAS going to blog about was myself.  How ironic.  I figured I should write a little bit about me since in all honesty, I'm not the same person who started this blog five years ago.  So...

My name is Kristen Ruiz.  I'm a brand new 27 year old.  I've got myself a rad husband named Jon and two equally rad little girls.  We gave them the super rad names Sheriff and Logan.  We live in Jon's parent's basement.  Because we're ... rad.

Right after I married Jon I got depression.  Like really bad.  So bad that I started throwing the d-word around.  Thank goodness Jon is a borderline saint and stood by my side when I wasn't really myself.  Poor guy probably thought he had made a huge mistake marrying a complete monster.  Fortunately, with professional help and venting on this here blog, I was able to pull myself together.  The best part is that I'm the happiest I've been in my life and I'm 100% sure it's because treating my depression cured some underlying ills I had been combatting my entire life.

Now for the real interesting things about me that I'm pretty sure you don't already know.

I once told my Dad to his face right after he spanked me that it didn't hurt.  I was 4ish.  The next one did hurt.  It was approximately 3 seconds later.

I rode a bus to school growing up.  One morning while waiting for the bus I noticed this lumpy thing on the road.  Turned out to be my pet kitten.  It was dead.  I ran home sobbing only to have my mom send me back to the bus.  When I got on all the kids were pointing at it.

Hahahaha, oh man, these are the worst memories ever about my parents.  I promise they are the best parents in the world.  For some reason those are just the first two things that popped into my head.

I have two sisters.  I'm the oldest.  And the coolest.  When we were little we had airsoft guns we'd play around with.  The only rule was that we had to wear sunglasses or something to cover our eyes.  One time my youngest sister was playing with the guns with a friend while wearing my middle sisters sunglasses.  She got mad and told her to take them off.  Youngest refused.  Middle mooned her with her bare butt in an act of defiance, all the while forgetting who held the airsoft gun.  Youngest fired with exceptional aim.  To this day I think this is one of the funniest things ever.

My mom had to beg me to start wearing makeup.

In grade 9 a girl called me "socially retarded."  I thought it was the nicest compliment I had ever received.  I'm pretty sure I still am.

In high school I played the piano for my church choir.  While performing in church I went to pull off a page and the entire song's worth of sheet music fell on the floor.  The choir proceeded to stumble on acapella styles while I picked up papers and played whenever I knew where they were and had the music.  Afterwards I walked out to the parking lot and cried. Hahahahaha.

Once I ate an entire box of Reese's Puff cereal in one sitting.  My mouth felt like I had brushed it with steel wool.  I don't recommend it.

Another time I was listening to Damien Rice while stretching and all the sudden I just started crying. I think Damien Rice just has that effect on people.  My cousin Jeff would be proud.

I accidentally farted in front of Jon after we first got engaged.  It was the most embarrassing moment ever.  He laughed at me and I said, "I hate you."  He didn't like that, but I didn't like being embarrassed.  Nowadays I'm the one who farts and laughs my head off and Jon shakes his head.  He doesn't say he hates me though because he's a good person.

As for what I am and what I like to do, I really don't know.  I used to be able to introduce myself as a runner and say I liked to play the piano and read.  But now I feel sheepish, almost like I'm lying, if I was to introduce myself saying those things.  I can't remember the last time I went on a run or just sat down and played the piano and I'm still trying to finish reading a book that I started a year and a half ago.  My days and moments of free time are invested in such different things now.  Is it strange to say that I don't even really know who I am?

I guess there is one thing I know for sure.  I'm a mother.  That is a fact.  It's what I spend all my time doing now.  And I love it.  Even if it steals away my small moments of free time.  Heck, even now that I have free time I keep coming back to it.  And even when I lay in bed next to Jon at night and we tell each other the best part of our day, being a mother is what made my day.  Mothering isn't just what I do during the day, it's what I love best.  It's who I am.  And I'd say that's the biggest change that has happened to the girl who started writing this blog five years ago.


  1. Wonderful blog. And to think just a couple years ago you had to be talked into having kids. What a wonderful mother example you are. We need to trust in ourselves.

    1. Hahaha, you're so right. When I sit and think about it, I'm pretty sure the adversary had something to do with me feeling so much opposition towards motherhood. And why wouldn't he? He knew it was something I would find incredible amounts of joy in and he doesn't want us to be that happy.

