
New Year, Old Me

I can't think of a bigger lie than the saying, "new year, new me."  HA!  Nice try.  More like, "new year, same you, same obstacles and habits, but maybe you'll figure out a new way to attack them.  So, uh, good luck."  I'll admit I've told the "new year, new me" lie to myself quite a few times while binging on so much ice cream I was about to explode, because on January 1st the new Kristen wasn't going to eat anything she liked.  Heck, one year new Kristen forced me to do the Master Cleanse, or what I like to refer to as Satan's Drink for Days, until I got to a point where I felt like I couldn't even walk outside without the wind blowing me over.  Stupid new Kristen.

Although I don't buy into the "new year, new me" tomfoolery nowadays, I still do enjoy a good, fresh New Year.  Probably because my birthday is January 11.  Don't forget it.  Did you know that I was the New Year's baby in Raymond in 1989?  Yup.  Eleven days into the new year.  My mom got a bunch of free stuff and I got to be in the newspaper.  Holy crap I have attention problems.  Probably because I hardly ever blog anymore and I don't know what the heck I'm doing.  Anyways, I was saying that I do like a New Year and it's because I like to set goals.  I'm not very good at always achieving them, but I set them nonetheless.  So for fun, I shall review the goals I set for 2015.

1.  Get the camera out once a week - TAKE PICTURES!  

I can recall approximately ONE week of 2015 where I consciously took the camera out for this specific goal.  And it was so I could blog them along with this list of goals.  I promise I did take pictures, but not as many as I wish I would have. 

2.  PHONE IS A PHONE.  Do not play on it.  And do not play on technology in front of Sheriff.

Haaaaaa.  Okay - I was good at not "playing" on my phone.  But Sheriff discovered the joy of watching videos of herself on my phone (she's kind of narcissistic), and I really like watching them with her because she's cute and she might have the videos memorized and like to quote herself while watching herself.  Don't judge me.

3.  Bedtime!  Go to bed consistently at 10:30 pm!!

HAAAAAAAAH!!  What was I thinking?  This goal should have been "watch all the seasons of Brooklyn 99, The Musketeers, The 100, The Walking Dead, and start Vampire Diaries on Netflix." At least I figured out my priorities in 2015.

4.  D.I.M. - Do it myself.  If there's something I want to buy, figure out first if I can make it myself!

Okay, this is the one goal that I feel safe saying that I did.  I made Sheriff a few pairs of moccasins and even got paid to make some for people.  I made bibdanas, I tailored some shirts, I made some blankets, I killed this goal.  FINALLY, a goal I actually did.

So what goals do I have in mind for 2016?  Behold, the new list of goals I may or may not achieve:

1.  Make documenting things a routine.  Write in my journal once a week.  Write in Logan and Sheriff's journal once a month.  Convince Jon to write in their journal once a month.  Blog once a week, just like in the olden days when this blog was cool.

2.  Read a book.  I wish this goal could be more cool, like read more books or a specific one, but I started the book Don Quixote before Sheriff was born (I know she's 18 months old, shut up) and I refuse to let it beat me.  So when I say "read a book," I really mean "finish dang Don Quixote."

3.  Do some fitnessy things.  Once upon a time these types of goals used to be the only ones I had and the ulterior motive behind all of them was really to lose all my weight.  Fortunately I kicked that mind frame to the curb and now I want to set these goals for the joy of accomplishment and the experience of actually doing it.  Jon promised to do the Moonlight Run with me, so that's one.  I've been dying to do what I call "The Fantastic Four in 24" and I'm planning to do it this summer.  And last, for some strange reason I've always wanted to swim across Ridge Reservoir, which is this nasty lake close to where I grew up and went boating on all summer.  So there's those.

4.  Make a cool T-shirt.  I have killer mom style these days, which is really killer messy bun, t-shirt, and skinny jeans style.  Anyways, I bought some t-shirts I love (this one, and this one, this one too, oh and this one) and realized how freaking easy they were to make and that paying as much as I did is highway robbery.  So I should just design and print my own.  But I want it to be cool enough that other people would like to have one too.

So, uh, wish me luck and stuff.  What goals do you have for this year?
8 comments on "New Year, Old Me"
  1. i wish i was fast enough to do the fantastic four with you!!!!
    i love the put your phone down goal, its one of mine too!

    1. Good news! I'm slow as molasses right now. I probably won't be able to keep up to you! Care to join?

  2. I love that you are REAL with last year's goals. Haha! Last year I gave myself one word to try to live by for that year so I wouldn't have to fail so much at everything else. Haha! This year is getting hard to figure out a new word that I think I can actually accomplish/live by! Yikes. All the best in your new year goals! Yay!

    1. I should totally pick a word instead! That sounds like a much more forgiving way to goal set for the new year because you're really the only judge on whether or not you accomplished it. I love the word you picked for this year!!

  3. I wish we were the same age and I could join in my brother Kevin's circle of besties and just magically have us be best friends. You're just the best.
    Love everything about you. (I'm not a stalker promise. Ha!)
    I actually am one of the weirdos that really DOES mindfully set goals and kicks their trash. It comes from my desire to not "go with the flow". The flow doesn't keep their goals, therefore, I will. ha!
    My problem right now is that I set many meaningful goals in 2015 and really did all of them.
    I should have saved some for 2016!
    BUT my slogan is "be up and doing". I'm going to have a new baby the beginning of June, and I struggled with post partum with (#4 - that was a surprise!) and I believe this will help me. It's so much easier to not do stuff amiright?
    I feel like this is an email. Sorry!

    1. I totally knew that you were awesome at setting goals --- because I NEVER see you on instagram anymore and I miss you. It made me jealous to see all your posts on all the books you were reading for your goal last year. What is your secret to actually accomplishing them?

      Haha, I love everything about you too. Seriously, just join our little circle, the only requirement is hanging out at Christmas time. You can bring your sweet new baby too (CONGRATS!).

      And from experience in the depression department, "be up and doing" is a very great slogan.

  4. i have the exact same awesome style and will buy all of your t-shirts. get makin!
