These Days


I feel sheepish writing on this thing after extended absences. I'm in the middle of one of those mothering-induced identity crises where I don't even know if I qualify for the title of blogger anymore because I rarely do it.  I rarely run these days too, so I'm not sure if I'm even a runner.  I just plum don't have a hobby or passion that offers me a relief from the sole title of mother.  Don't get me wrong, being a mother is an adventure and passion of mine in and of itself, there are just sometimes where I feel absolutely consumed by the role and responsibility and feel depressingly disassociated from myself.  Whoever that is these days.  So allow me to ramble here to myself while I try to get acquainted with the person I currently am.

> I'm trying to eat more vegetables.  The instagram account @simplelife_bykels is the inspiration fuelling that desire.  I've become addicted to brussel sprouts because of her.

> I'm trying to eat more fruit.  The instagram account @earthyandy motivates me to do this with the pictures of her smoothie bowls.

> I've been reading a lot more lately.  I stumbled upon the "Storm and Silence" series by Robert Thier on Wattpad and I love it.  It's currently in the running for an award on Goodreads.  Go vote for it!  Or at least read it.  If you like historical fiction/adventure/romance type stories.

> I unfollowed every single person I'm friends with on Facebook.  It's nothing personal, I just didn't want to have a newsfeed anymore.  The funny thing is that the site must have figured out what I was doing and by the time I got down to my last 25 or so friends to unfollow, warnings started popping up and then I would be ejected from my friends list and have to go back in.  It made the process much more time consuming than I thought, but the evil Facebook must have known what I was up to and didn't want to relinquish it's hold on my soul so easily.  So you know all the awful political crap trolling your feed?  Yeah, I haven't seen any of it.

> I've dipped my foot in the pool that is bullet journalling.  I've always been an avid journal keeper, but my problem always seemed to be that I'd have this specific journal for this sort of writing and this notebook for those things and so on.  The glory of the bullet journal is to streamline things and keep everything in one concise book.  I'll admit it has it's cons, my journalling is now more planner-esque, but there are definite pros.  This is a topic that probably merits it's own blog post.

> My hair is getting longish.  If you knew me and my sisters growing up, you would know that my two younger sisters had beautiful long hair, while I struggled to grow mine to my shoulders.  It just didn't grown and when it did, it would become so brittle and dry it would just break.  I know being a mother is a stage where most girls cut their hair, but I intend to someday have hair as long as my sisters' was.  I'll probably be 70 by then.  The silly thing is that I don't really like wearing my hair down.  It gets braided pretty much every. single. day.

So that's me these days.  Oh, and I've been getting migraines.  The past two days I've woken up at 3am with a migraine.  And then I spent the better part of two other days in bed with a migraine.  Anybody have a secret cure?  Decapitation is almost sounding quite pleasant.


  1. You look like a blogger to me (and one I enjoy very much!). I'm sorry to hear about your migraines, unfortunately I have no solution for you, but I AM sorry! That sounds just awful. Could it be the SoAb WIND? Only kind of kidding. I too unfollowed every person on FB even though I deleted my account and the same thing happened to me! Stupid, evil FB. The bullet type journal writing sounds like something even I could do...

  2. Excedrin is the only thing that really helps me get thru the day. Sadly it's only sold in the states. A more holistic approach that did help me for a little while and probably could really help if I felt like I could afford it is seeing a massage therapist and going to the chiropractor. Give it a try if you are still experiencing them.

