
8 Minute Memoir - Day Eleven

Day Eleven: "Losing Things"


I've lost stuff before.  Once I lost the most beautiful emo, wide leather band watch.  I still cry about it.  I've lost keys, remotes, books, phones, and I'm sure a bunch of other things less painful to lose as well.  I always found those ones.  Maybe because I said a prayer?  That's something I was taught growing up: when you lose something, pray for help to find it.  Jon dang near lost his wedding ring TWICE on our honeymoon.  Once was on the beach near Tortuga Bay where we could swim.  We were wrestling and my hand slid down his arm and hand, slipping his ring off his finger and into the stirred up silty water.  Amazingly, he found it.  The next time he was playing with his ring at his Aunt and Uncle's house when he dropped it and it nearly rolled down a drain.  My mom did lose her wedding ring.  It was a sad day.  She took it off to go boating and the aunt she asked to hold on to it didn't.  Or didn't recall being asked not to lose it.  sad day.  I've lost other less tangible things too.  My virginity, hahahaha.  I've lost my crazy willpower/determination I used to have too.  I really miss it at the moment.  I used to wake up at 5AM just to go swimming at the pool before anyone got there or bike out to Ridge Park and back.  One night a friend called and invited me to go to street wheelers with him in his truck that had a hot tub in the back.  I had already planned to do a practice triathlon the next morning and sad no, I was climbing into bed right then.  I regret that.  I really do.  But I regret not having that kind of willpower anymore too.
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