

I live with my aunt and uncle and I love it.

Growing up, I was always excited to visit Rob and Marge way up in Calgary.  They always knew how to throw a party for us at the drop of a hat: ordering pizza, renting a movie, feeding us gumballs, and giving us rides in the Model T.

Now that I live with them, we still play hard, but we like to work hard too.  I have been appointed to the position of "Household Motivator".  My most recent contribution has been THE GOAL CHART:

Go ahead, point and laugh, but this elementary school sticker prize tactic WORKS!!!  

I've always been a habitual goal setter.  I'm an intrinsically motivated over achiever.  I'm proud to be a nerd.  Let me tell you why you should try to be one too.

Proverbs 25:28 - "He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls."

According to the Lululemon "Goal-Tender": "Nature wants us to be mediocre because we have a greater chance to survive and reproduce.  Mediocrity is as close to the bottom as it is to the top.  There is no manual for life.  Who you are, where you go, and how soon you get there is up to you.  Goal setting is a tool that helps you get what you want out of life.  It's that simple.  Just as there is no right way to live, there is no right way to determine your goals."

We are here to be HAPPY and nothing will make you more happy than the completion of something you set your mind to.  So go ahead, make plans to run that marathon next spring or simply challenge yourself to talk to a stranger or stop eating by 8 pm.

I highly suggest the Lululemon "Goal-Tender" or if you are feeling youthful, feel free to ask for the blueprints of the delightful Kristen Goal Chart.



  1. I love this goal chart! There's a reason why they use stickers as motivators in elementary school... they really do work! Who doesn't love a bright n' shiny sticker? I know I do. Thanks so much for this post!

    GEC Online Community

  2. Kristen Gibb. I LOVE your blog.
    You are so dang inspirational!

