
Over one year ago, I bought a book: a book that was going to change my life forever, or so I thought; a book that was going to make me the Kristen I'd always dreamed of, or so I hoped; a book that would only take six weeks to complete, or so it said.  Behold: THE BOOK!

This book taught me a few valuable lessons.  

1.  Do not judge a book by it's title.  Even though it says six weeks, it may very well take you six years to complete this dang Countdown.  Throughout the past year, I found myself slipping into the all too familiar "Pride Cycle".  I can't even count how many times I'd start, make it to around week three, start seeing some results, feel pretty hot, and then BAM! - "Yea, how quick to be lifted up in pride; yea, how quick to boast, and do all manner of that which is iniquity..."  Okay, I wouldn't exactly fall into iniquity, but I'd definitely rationalize missing a workout, or two , or three, to "eat, drink, and be merry".  Then two weeks later I'd come to the sad realization that a fourteen day sabbatical is too long and I'd start all over again.  What a vicious, vicious cycle.  I'm proud to say I have the first three weeks of workouts memorized because of this.

2.  Me Like Pilates.  Pilates is a beautiful, beautiful thing.  Try it.  Although it makes your abs feel like they're being electrocuted, you'll feel so proud when you can do this...

...haha, or at least I did.

3.  Seriously, Just Do It.  Exactly six weeks ago while cleaning my room, this book stared up at me and then started laughing in my face.  And it made me really angry.  So I decided right then and there to do something about it.  The solution was to quit telling myself lies.  "I don't have any time" - what a big, fat lie!  "It's too hard" - another huge lie!  I knew this wasn't the truth, but the truth hurts.  Like literally!  Waking up at 5:30 to workout is down right painful.  But I did it.  And that's the way it goes, sometimes there really is no easy way around something and you seriously just have to do it.

Okay, I know this doesn't relate, but I thought it was funny.

4.  Be Flexible!  Yes, it's nice to be able to touch your toes, but I mean flexibility in the sense that if you literally do not have a spare hour to workout one day it's perfectly fine to give and take.  No, I did not finish this book in the exact order it is laid out.  No, I did not workout every single day it specified to.  No, I did not do the exact number of reps it told me to do on the things I really hated, or just plum couldn't do.  But YES, I did each and every work out and I feel GREAT.  Do not expect perfection.  A big reason I kept having to start over again was because I wanted to complete it perfectly.  What a great way to set myself up for failure!  I can now testify that flexibility eliminates failure, so give yourself some room to breath, it's best to do things at your own speed.

5.  The Saying is TRUE!  I've always wondered if the saying "It takes 3 weeks to make a habit" is really true.  Well, I think it is.  No, it didn't get easier to wake up really early, but I had definitely accepted the fact that I was going to working out, and that made a huge difference.  True, all my previous attempts lasted to around week three, but the difference this time was that I didn't allow myself to justify a celebratory break, causing a break in the habit.  Stick to it and soon enough it will stick to you!

Now, having said all this, I'd like to extend a DARE.  No, this is not a challenge or some kind of piece of homework for reading Kristen Gibb's blog, this is a DARE.  With the blessed New Year fast approaching, I DARE YOU to do something you've been meaning to for a long time now.  Quit telling yourself those silly lies and just do it.  You'll thank yourself later, trust me.  And you might even look real good in a bikini afterwards...  But I wouldn't know.


  1. you are such a ninja for getting up at 530 to work out, i applaud you girl!
    you look phenomenal!

  2. K first of all, you have always looked amazing! But seriously WAY TO GO!!!!! I wish i could wake up at 530...wait no I don't, I hate mornings and working out in the morning makes me more tired for the day haha, but besides that I wish I was as sexy as you are! I suck at working out and once again, you have made me want to be better! YOU ROCK!

