A Good Weekend


Please forgive me.  I've gone and done it again.  I swear this is the last time.

I'll admit it, I just had a blog-life crisis.  Maybe there's no such thing, but I for me it was real.  I just didn't know what the heck I was doing on the internets anymore.  After lots of searching, I figured it out.

When I first started a blog, I wanted to feel more alive.  I was sick of moping around on Facebook all day and then beating myself up about having a crappy life.  What really got the ball rolling was looking in the newspaper one day to read the comics.  This is what I found, and it spoke to me.

Although my method of wasting time and precious life wasn't in front of the television, sitting in front of my laptop was a pretty accurate equivalent.

So I set out on a quest to be a blogger.  I wrote once a week about a topic that had been weighing on my mind during the week.  The results were great.  I found myself cultivating skills of introspection and writing papers for school got a lot easier too.  And the compliments were pretty nice too.

Now fast forward almost three years later.  I'm a completely different person!  I no longer feel like I'm wasting my life and I need a blog to help get me out of a rut.  In fact, for the first time I feel like I've got a really great handle on what life is and my experiences nowadays aren't "Near-Life," they're full fledged "LIFE."  And I love it.  I'm living and I still want to blog.

What will I blog about?  The exact same things I always have.  I'll be honest and frank about the trials I encounter and how I learn and grow from them.  I'll be silly and creative by making videos and cracking jokes.  I'll be philosophical in my own Kristen-philosophical way.  I'll document the cheery, fun things in life too.

So, what's new for me?  Jon and I just had a fantastic weekend down south visiting my family.  Here are some of the things we enjoyed...

Nothing beats a visit to Grandma and Grandpa Gibb's House.

I sure love these two.

Jon claims the only thing good about Raymond is the snow-bobs at Town Pump.  

While eating dinner, my sister Hannah told us to look out the window.  These bald eagles are what we saw in the field next to our house.

Man.  Words cannot describe how much I love this place.


  1. Best sno-bob face I have ever seen!!!!

  2. Best sno-bob face I have ever seen!!!!

  3. Trips home are so rejuvenating :) I seriously love the picture of the bald eagles though. Is it ok if I use it as my desktop background?

    1. Go for it!! You made me want to use that picture as my desktop too!

  4. Holy bald eagles, Batman!
    And please keep blogging, Kristen.
    - Kate

  5. Its true, the best thing about Raymond is the sno-bob. Awesome pictures!!! Love the eagle one!

  6. Holy BALD EAGLES!!!!! That is the coolest thing ever, I'm jealous....SO jealous. I'm freaking out about it and I've just seen a picture! haha and I'm with Jon about the sno bobs.

  7. visiting grandparents is the Best!! Cute post;Amazing pictures!! You do a fantastic job capturing the beauty of Southern Alberta (and the love of families :)

  8. That photo of the eagles is incredible (don't mind me, I'm just creeping your blog on a Thursday morning while I'm supposed to be studying. La la la.). And the new design is beautiful, too. AND I love your blog, and I'm glad you'll continue writing. I'm even more glad that you're so happy. Your pursuit of a good life is such an inspiration, and I'm so grateful that you share it :)

