8 Minute Memoirs - Day Five


Day Five - "Little Things"

I know this is way too obvious a thing to write about, but I can't help it - my very favourite "little things" are my girls.  Because they are "little things," but what I love the most are the little things about them that make them both unique.  

I love how Sheriff is missing a little thing - one of her front teeth.  I was devastated when it happened, but now I can't help but think that her toothless grin suits her.

I love how little huffy sniffs and little scrunched face Logan does when she's really happy or excited. Her whole face just scrunches up and she sniffs in and out over and over.  

I love Sheriff's little voice when she's playing (I heard her say, "Don't lose it, reuse it!" the other day while she was playing), or when she's talking to Logan or lecturing me.  She had my intonation and emphasis down pat - ex. "Low - gee, don't do dat!" or "Dat's not a toy!" - said to me multiple times today while using things that were not toys... but I was using them to cook.  Haha.

I love Logan's soft little belly.  It's so squishy and smooth.  She has the best skin I've ever felt.  I could just rub and squish her belly all day.

I love Sheriff's little quirks... the word little really on suits her in terms of physical size - but even then, compared to other kids her age, she's quite big.  She's a little person with a loud voice and strong personality and big will.  

I love Logan's sweet, cuddly personality.  I adore her little snuggles.  She spoons me when she's tired or sad.  It's the best thing EVER.

Sheriff and Logan are my little things and I love them.

1 comment :

  1. Your little things are so cute! I don't think I could do this challenge now having read all your posts. I would only be able to think of what you did!

