
Things That Make Me Feel Awesome.

I've been feeling pretty awesome about myself lately, and then I remembered that I have a blog, so I've decided to share a few of the things that make me feel awesome in an effort to make more people feel awesome.  So I hereby present to you the official list of things that make me feel awesome, in no particular order.

1.  Eating healthy food…. wait for it…. that is easy to make.

I've been eating this concoction for breakfast lately.  I don't really have a name for it, but it tastes awesome and I feel awesome after eating it.  Here's the recipe:

Fill bowl half way with bran flakes.

Chop up half a banana, a kiwi, and three-four strawberries.  Sprinkle on top of bran flakes.

Sprinkle a spoonful of chia seeds over top.

Pour almond milk in.

Eat with a spoon while contemplating the meaning of life or some other deep, existential question (optional).

Another good healthy thing I ate was this after a workout.

Strawberries and celery with peanut butter and roasted + salted chickpeas.  Oh, and lots of water in my nifty water bottle.

What the flap are roasted + salted chickpeas?  Costco sold me this bag and they're stinking delicious.

Please don't ask how much I've eaten over the past two days.

2.  Working out.  But not like hardcore or anything.

I waited until 6 weeks after having Sheriff to start working out again.  I'm using what is seriously the world's greatest workout app.  You have to get it.  It's called Nike Training Club and it's free and I do the workouts in my living room at home.  Here's what it looks like:

The app set up a specific workout program for me that has me doing two workouts (a 30 minute and 45 minute one), two runs (both 3 miles), and 15 minutes of yoga in a week.  That's only like 4 days of workouts cause the yoga barely counts.  It's pretty rad.

3.  Holding myself accountable to good habits.

I've been seriously slacking in the spiritual department, so I've got another app to keep me a bit more accountable.  It's called Wonderful Day and it tracks my consistency on things I'd like to make sure I'm doing everyday / every other day / every week.  Here's how I'm doing so far:

Three for three!  Yahoo.  P.S. If I forget to do something one day, it highlights the circle as RED.  A big fat red.  Fortunately I don't have any of those yet, so I still feel awesome.

4.  Planning meals and ACTUALLY making dinners.

Again, another couple apps are making me feel awesome (I swear I don't hang out on my phone all day).  Yummly and Allrecipes are awesome meal apps that help me find things to make, store the recipes and then compile the ingredients I need onto awesome shopping lists.

Did I mention that the shopping lists are then grouped into the sections of the grocery store?  Pretty awesome.

The Allrecipes app has a nifty little "Dinner Spinner" too that gives you recipes based on what you enter in three categories.

5.  Printing pictures.

Just on a whim a month or so ago I decided I wanted to print my Instagram pictures.  That's how I found Prinstagram.  I love the 4x4 prints and have used them to decorate and document life in my journal.  Feeling like a real homemaker is pretty awesome.

If you don't have Instagram, or if you just want to print some of your regular pictures, they offer Print Studio as well.  That's the site I used for the pictures you see above.

6. Reading Interesting Things

I came across this article on the Facebook the other day.  I was intrigued by the title so I read it and it didn't disappoint.

"Dead at noon: B.C. woman ends her life rather than suffer indignity of dementia"

I'm a firm believer in the saying that "It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it."  I've been taught and believe that suicide is wrong, but after reading this woman's story and especially what she had to say on her website (www.deadatnoon.com), I have to say I'm fascinated by this woman and what she chose to do.  What do you think?  Isn't it awesome to read stuff that makes you think?

7. Reading SUPER Interesting Things

I'm not ashamed to admit that I am officially obsessed with the X-Men and pretty much all Marvel.  In fact, I bought this book yesterday and spent about an hour today reading it:

Not only does this one make me feel awesome, it proves to the world that I AM awesome.

May you all now have an awesome weekend.
3 comments on "Things That Make Me Feel Awesome."
  1. Yum , the breakfast looks delicious. And I am curious to try the chick peas and peanut butter. I would've never thought of that combination.

  2. Love all your awesome ideas. Thanks for sharing!

  3. I've been a home-maker for much longer than you, ...and girl, you've got it down. No fairsies. ;)
