

"Every man builds his world in his own image. ...  Whoever preserves a single thought uncorrupted by any concession to the will of others, whoever brings into reality a matchstick or a patch of garden made in the image of his thought - he, and to that extent, is a man, and that extent is the sole measure of his virtue." - Atlas Shrugged

This week I learned something absolutely fascinating about myself.  I, along with everyone else on the planet, possess the amazing ability to create.  I'm not talking about the having babies kind of create, you weirdos, I'm talking about the taking raw materials and ability and turning them into something valuable kind of create. 

For an entrepreneurship class in school we were given the assignment to create value using only rags.  1.5 foot square rags.  Any color, design, or texture.  I'll admit my group and I sat in silence, completely flabbergasted by the enormity of this task, for quite sometime.  Eventually we came up with the idea to simply create bags.  So all day Thursday, we cut up and sewed together rags into these nifty looking bags.  Look what we were able to create!

(If you want to do me a huge favor, visit THIS BLOG and pretend to buy a bag by leaving a comment on the one you like!  The more bags we "sell" the better grade we'll get!)

Then yesterday afternoon, while wandering through a thrift store, I found a real beauty of a picture frame and was able to create THIS!

By simply removing the glass and replacing it with lace, I was able to create a very decorative earring holder!  

After completing these two projects I think I just might be addicted to creating things.  I looked around my room this afternoon and realized I have quite a few little projects on the go requiring some creative juices.

I started this beauty a month or two ago.  It's my very first attempt at crocheting! 

I'm also constantly working on this precious gem.  My journal.

It feels so good to be able to create something from nothing with the use of your own mind and hands.  Whether it's cooking a dinner, planting a garden, sewing a bag, or simply writing down the silly thoughts that cross your mind, the act of creation is probably one of the most fulfilling opportunities out there.  

I've oftentimes dismissed trying something new or starting some sort of project because I wasn't confident in my skills or was afraid of failure; I'm beginning to realize how foolish this is. By choosing to not try something new or attempting to make something, I'm ultimately limiting my progression and eliminating opportunities to discover new talents.  

I refuse to set up roadblocks.  I refuse to listen to the age-old adage, "You can't teach an old dog new tricks."  I'm going to keep creating trivial little projects and giving new tasks my best shot.  The worst that can happen is learning I really don't have a knack for that certain task, and it will probably give me something to laugh about in the future.  

Well, good night.  I need to go 'create' my lunch for tomorrow.
3 comments on "Create."
  1. I like your earring holder! DANG girl! ha ha

  2. aaaaahh the diy addiction... one ive also come across recently :) i love this stuff, creating is my passion

  3. reminds me of this


    and as if that hat was your FIRST crochet project. nice work!
