
Oh Sweet Innocence

I decided I can no longer deny or hide the fact that I actually really like kids.  There's just something so refreshing about hanging out with such little bursts of energy and innocence.  Oh sweet innocence.

Shots and editing inspired by .to the river.  (Except an abandoned homestead is my leaning Tower of Pisa)

8 comments on "Oh Sweet Innocence"
  1. these are exceptional photos. i love the editing too.

    1. Thanks Emme!

      I have to admit something though... I'm a cheater. I have a photo editing program that is essentially instagram for a computer. It's called Analog and I bought it for like $10 from the Apple App Store.

  2. These pictures are all so great! And who is that darling little boy? Love the picture of him looking right up at your hubby. So cute.

    1. He's my cousins little boy! Haha, and Jon loves that picture too. He made it the wallpaper on his phone.

  3. great photographs.. I agree.. kids really have a way of brightening ones day

  4. Great shots. Kids can lift anyone's mood!
