
Here's a Picture… You Filthy Animals.

I'm just kidding.  If you asked or suggested I take a pregnant picture, I really don't think you're a filthy animal.  It just seemed like a great title for a blog post.

Anyways, I hate disclaimers, but I feel like one should go along with this picture because I really don't want to come across as a show off or some kind of snobby pregnant lady.  You see, very, very early on in my pregnancy I decided that the only picture I wanted to have taken would be of me at 9 months pregnant standing on top of a mountain of sorts.  Seems kind of silly, but let me explain.  While growing up I went on a Young Women's hike and a leader I really looked up to told us about her sister-in-law who went on a hike in Waterton when she was 9 months pregnant (… and then she had the baby the next day… fingers crossed).  I guess you could say I've remembered this story ever since and decided way back then that I wanted to be like that pregnant lady.  I wanted to challenge myself and I wanted the "fruit of my labor" to be displayed in a place that I love.  And I really love Waterton.

Today was the first time I've gone back to Waterton in three years since I worked there during the summer of 2011.  Literally, the last time I was in the park was when I worked my last waitressing shift at Zum's and moved to Calgary for school.  Haven't been back since.  As cheesy as it sounds, today was special.  I'm about to embark on the huge, life changing journey of motherhood and I strongly believe that Waterton was the place where I began to blossom into the person that I am today, the person that is going to be responsible for a teeny human being soon.  Waterton's the place where I realized how important it is to love myself.  It's the place that I realized that I was officially an adult and that my childhood had ended (… I can even pinpoint the exact moment of realizing this.  Watching the movie Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part II on opening night in the old Waterton theatre.  A huge part of my childhood wrapped itself up in the place I spent my childhood longing to work).  Long story short, it's just a special place to me (cue Jon making barfing noises … he just doesn't understand).

Anyways, enough of my blabbing.  I know that no one cares, all you people want is a picture of my belly.  So enjoy.

16 comments on "Here's a Picture… You Filthy Animals."
  1. I think that a belly pic on top of a mountain is the most fitting picture for you!

  2. Replies
    1. Oh thanks. So, climb Bear's Hump together in September? End of August?

  3. You're so lovely! Common baby! You're quite daring, now I want to do this when I'm a pregnant lady!

    1. Thanks :) And you totally should do this, it was a great experience.

  4. Aww! I care! And I love. You look amazing of course. And I love that this is the pic you choose to show. Are you even sweating? Do you ever look not-hot? Fingers crossed that baby comes soon! I hope I get to meet your little bundle at the first.

    1. I was sweating. And breathing hard. But I sat it off and THEN took the picture. Haha, that's the trick. I'm so glad I was able to pop out for just one day of the reunion and see you!

  5. Beautiful! in every possible way

  6. Keep the change ya filthy animal!
    That made me laugh.
    I think your story is actually really cool. Neat way to celebrate your journey
    of being pregnant. Loved it.
    You look beautiful. I think it's an awesome picture!

    1. Thanks a bazillion Kristin! You always make me feel like a million bucks.

  7. You look amazing, and the scenery couldn't be better! I love it and now I wish I had a picture of me pregnant on a mountain! Lol. I wish you the best of luck with everything, YOU CAN DO IT! Birth is amazing.

    1. Birth WAS amazing! You'll just have to have another baby so you can get that picture on top of the mountain ;) You were expecting too weren't you!? I hope baby boy is strong and healthy!

  8. Congrats on your beautiful baby girl! Can't wait to meet her!
