

As long as I can remember, my New Year's resolutions have had something to do with fitness and body image.  Lose 20 lbs.  Run a bazillion races.  Do the Master Cleanse for as long as possible.  This year my resolutions have absolutely NOTHING to do with that, and it feels GREAT.  In fact, here are my resolutions:

1.  Get the camera out once a week - TAKE PICTURES!
2.  PHONE IS A PHONE.  Do not play on it.  And do not play on technology in front of Sheriff.
3.  Bedtime!  Go to bed consistently at 10:30 pm!!  (As you can tell by the time I am posting this, I am not doing so hot on this one…)
4.  D.I.M. - Do it myself.  If there's something I want to buy, figure out first if I can make it myself!

I'm proud to report that a mere 12 days in to the New Year, I've already sort of accomplished one or two.

Last week I followed Sheriff around with the camera.  Here are some of my favourites:

As for my phone resolution, I'm basically just continuing my work stated in this ol' blog post.  I'll admit I'm not perfect.  Sometimes I'll tell myself I need to check my online banking for something and then BAM -- I'm looking at a site like brickyard buffalo.  I'm definitely still a work in progress, but on the bright side, there has been progress.

Umm, let's not talk about the bedtime resolution…

Moving on…

My Do It Myself resolution has been my favourite so far!  It all started with making a ton of "bibdanas."  I had wanted some for Sheriff for the longest time, but I just couldn't justify spending like $8-$10 for ONE bib.  So I went out on a limb and tried making them, and I LOVED it!

Last weekend I got a little more ambitious and tried my hand at making this t-shirt:

Here's what I was able to whip up, all with an old men's shirt from Value Village:

I'm proud as punch.  It's nothing fancy, but I'm happy with it.

So there you have it.  My resolutions.  
3 comments on "Resolutionary"
  1. I AM LOVING these resolutions of yours!! So great! How cute are those pictures of Sherriff. I am in love with the photo of her little chubby thighs and legs in the bath! HEAVEN! And thanks to you being a DIY-er we are thoroughly enjoying those bibdanas! I hope you will be posting your weekly pictures!

  2. Kristen I love it! Especially the pictures of Sheriff! She is one little cutie! I can't believe how fast she is growing. And sorry - Happy Belated Birthday! Hope you had a wonderful day!

  3. Just so you know, you are one of my favourite people. (My apologizes if it's a tad bit creepy to say that!)
    I love your resolutions - those pictures are fabulous and one day soon you will look at them and start to cry because your baby is a big person that is almost as tall as you (my brody is getting close to my height and looking at his baby pictures gets me every time. You won't regret taking lots of them!)
    I've made a few resolutions too - reading good books is one of them. I read/waste too much time on my phone/computer so the rule is it has to be a book IN MY HAND.
    Fasting with purpose is another one. Each month. I want my testimony of fasting to grow. I'm learning the guitar. I'm determined to take a family name to the temple this year. And I'm working on yelling. (it's my achilles heel. Darn it.)
    P.S. Way to go on the shirt. You really did a great job!
