
La-La-La-Love Jars!

What the heck are "love jars?"  Perhaps you asked yourself that very question after reading my last post.  Well, to be honest, "love jars" are a very dorky and somewhat romantic idea I had when I was about a couple years younger and not married.

Since I'm a realist, or I like to consider myself one, younger Kristen realized and understood that marriage is not a perpetual continuation of that sacred and sappy period known as the "honeymoon phase."  I was told marriage was work so I took it to heart and thought of something that would add a little bit of spontaneity and romance back into the mix.  Or at least I think it will, because today is officially the first day of these said "love jars."

Last night for FHE Jon and I set to work on constructing these blessed "love jars".  Here's what you need:

Two jars - one for each 

Paper, Pens, and Scissors

The next step is to fill a jar with a bunch of "favours" or "displays of love" or just down right silly things that you would consider plain awesome if your spouse did it for you.  For example:

Something Jon has to look forward to.

After filling the jar with all sorts of things you would love to have happen on a regular day in the not-so-distant future, you exchange jars with your spouse.  So I now have Jon's jar, and Jon has mine.  They are sitting ever so nicely on our night stand tables on our respective sides of the bed.

Now for the fun part.  We take turns drawing from each other's jars.  Today is my day to have a surprise from my love jar happen.  So last night Jon drew one of my "favours" and I get to look forward to it happening some time today...  It hasn't happened yet.  I hope it's awesome.  Like taking me out for a blizzard.  Or cleaning the toilet.  Or ... wait!  Jon reads my blog and I'm giving all my favours away!!  

Tonight before I go to bed, I get to draw a favour from Jon's jar, and then tomorrow is HIS day.

Man.  I don't even know if this post makes sense.  And I don't even know if I should be sharing this incredibly dorky side of myself.  Thankfully I have a husband who puts up with it.

So darn excited to start the "favour jars"

4 comments on "La-La-La-Love Jars!"
  1. So you don't know what the favor is and he SURPRISES you the next day with what one it is?!?! I am doing this. But only I get a jar! ha ha haha best wife award to me!

    1. Bahaha, this is what our jars have turned out to be pretty much. I'm the worst at remembering to do Jon's favour, but he's pretty good at doing mine!

  2. I'm with Tina! I'm making one for myself only haha.
