
Oh, Just Some News.

I guess now is as good a time as ever to share a piece of news on the internet.  I'm just 25 weeks pregnant and will be calving out a critter at the end of June.  

As I sit here typing, my stomach is doing the freakiest things ever.  But it's actually pretty cool.  I like to think that my gut is a pretty wicked dance party and there's this strobe light and little person inside just groovin.

I've barfed lots.  Once I ate a bunch of raspberries and then barfed.  I told Jon to come look at the jam I just made.  He thought I had become all domestic until he saw that it was in an ice cream bucket.

I've started wearing what Mr. Nacho Libre terms as "stretchy pants."  I'll admit, the huge stretchy band is pretty ugly.  But they're so comfortable that it makes me wonder why we all don't just wear these magnificent trousers all the time.

For a while, I craved steak and potatoes.  Jon was in heaven.  Nowadays however, eating is a chore and nothing sounds good.  But not eating isn't really an option.  So I eat what I can and last week it was a fat reuben sandwich.  Judge me all you want, it was delicious.

Jon and I found out what we're having.  I cried when I found out.  Heck, I cried for a week I was so disappointed.  But I'm pretty much over it now and excited regardless.  I'll blog about that another time.

I don't know how much weight I've gained.  I don't have a scale and I don't want to know.

I haven't taken a single pregnant lady side pose picture.  To be honest, I don't really plan on it either.  It's just not for me.  But here's a picture of me holding a baby.  They used to really scare me, so I was being teased and taunted while holding my cousin's baby Kwyncee, hence the stellar face.

When it comes to planning for the actual birth, Jon and I got into one of the most epic fights of our entire marriage.  I legit wish I could find a nice soft spot in a row of corn and get it over with by myself.  He most vehemently refused.  So we compromised by agreeing I'd have it in a hospital but he has to tell everyone to leave me alone.  I think I'll end up having the kid in Raymond.  We'll see.

As you can probably tell, I'm not the most kosher pregnant lady type.  But when have I ever really been normal?  I promise I'm going to love this kid and be the best mom that I can.  So bring on the next 15 weeks.

21 comments on "Oh, Just Some News."
  1. That's so exciting!! You are going to be such a fun mom :) Also good call on the whole no scale thing… who wants to know that anyway!

    1. Haha, my thoughts exactly! Scales are bullies so I choose to have nothing to do with them.

  2. PREGO BUDDIES!!!!!!!! only 2 weeks apart!!!!! You are going to be the funnest and best parents ever. This will be one lucky munchkin!!!

    1. It's so awesome to be pregnant at the same time as sooo many people! I'm excited for you two to move back here!

  3. I like this post a lot. :) You're most certainly going to be the best mom to the little one.

  4. Kristen, you freaked me out for a minute - I thought you'd had the baby, but then I thought that couldn't be right because I haven't gotten THE call to say you had. But you made up for it by making me laugh - having your baby in a corn field :) So excited for you and Jon - you are going to GREAT parents, stretchy pants and all.

  5. Kristen I don't why my post came up saying CHRIS - this is Linda, Jon's aunt. Yes, technology is still not my friend.

    1. Bahaha, I have to admit, when I read your first comment, I was a little confused. Who is this Chris person that seems to know me so well?! I'm glad you found your way to my blog :)

  6. Congratulations Kristen and Jon. You'll be wonderful parents (just like your parents Kristen)

  7. love it!!! im excited for you!
    please have that child in Raymond! I had my last here, and loved it!

  8. I can't wait to hear about the gender . . . lol. so intrigued! I am due June 17! Good times ahead. You will be great. Congrats!!!

    1. No way! I'll do a gender post right this instant.

  9. Congratulations! And that's kind of mean to withhold the gender from us! But I guess it keeps us coming back. Haha! Don't make us wait too long for the story! I'm very happy for you guys!! Sad that you are so sick. I feel ya!!!

    1. Mwahaha, I'm a tease. It was all just a publicity stunt. Just kidding. I honestly figured I should tell a little more of a story about the gender... I'll do it right now.

  10. haha, oh the joys of being pregnant. I'm super happy for you guys! Also, I'd like to add that you will fall even more in love with those elastic waist bands and when you have to zip and button up your pants after having the baby, you will wonder who the crap the idiot was that invented the zipper. Again, I am So excited for you.

    1. Emily! I seriously hope that my kid turns out as cute as yours! And I'm glad to hear some validation on wearing these magnificent pants after the baby is born too!

  11. No way!! This is so exciting! Congratulations :) I don't even really know you but I'm still so happy for you! I'm dying to know the gender now though, so please write again soon!

    I laughed so hard about your jam story, haha. I love that you don't have a scale and that you haven't taken any stereotypical pregnant lady pics. I just love that you're so true to yourself which is one of the many reasons I think you'll be such a great mom.

    A cornfield sounds like a perfectly idyllic place to give birth. I hope you find a good fit for you and that it's a good experience. It is, after all, you that will be the one delivering this baby! It should be whatever is most comfortable and safe for you and the baby.

    I hope everything goes well in the next 15 weeks. And again, I'm so curious to know the gender! And what names are you thinking of?

    1. I just found out yesterday that I'm allowed to use the name I want!! But, because I'm a tease, Jon and I decided to keep it a secret until the baby is born. Thanks for being such a good online friend :)

  12. KRISTEN. This is wonderful news.This girl of yours is so blessed to have such a funny, creative, caring, deep-thinking mom. I'm so happy for you & Jon!
