
Simply Agog.

Do you know this man?

Maybe you're familiar with some of the movies he's been in, such as The Hangover or Due Date.  

Nope?  Me neither.  But in case you're wondering, his name is Zach Galifianakis and he's been staying in Waterton for the past few days.

Waterton is usually a busy, buzzing place, but during this week everyone seemed to be agog, simply agog! at the idea of potentially running into Mr. Galifianakis.  

I'll admit straight up that I'm incredibly ignorant of who he is and what movies he's been in, I don't think I've even seen one of them.  But still, it's kind of exciting to have a real life celebrity in your own stomping grounds.

Anyways, I was working Thursday evening at Zum's when we got a reservation for a group of 20.  Low and behold, it was my turn to get the next table and who should walk in?  None other than Mr. Famous Face himself.  Turns out he was visiting Waterton for his wife's family reunion.  Wait a minute, famous people go to things like family reunions?  In-law family reunions?!

After everyone realized that Zach Galifianakis was in our restaurant, a co-worker of mine literally begged me to let him take the table.  After he offered to give me all of the tip he'd earn taking that table, I was sold.  

So there you have it, a famous person came into my work and I passed up the opportunity to even talk to him.  

As the night went on, I started doing closing jobs and found myself cleaning the bathrooms.  Fortunately the men's bathroom was empty, so I quickly started cleaning it when the door suddenly opened.  I guess the poor guy didn't see me when he walked in, because when I said, "Sorry, let me just slip out", he jumped, swore, and swirled around.  And there I was, alone in a men's bathroom with Zach Galifianakis.    He started to chuckle at himself for being so startled as I apologized for scaring him, I could tell by the sheepish look on his face that he was even a little bit embarrassed.  Then I promptly got the heck out of there.

As I stood in the hallway waiting for the bathroom to be empty again, I couldn't help but think about how silly us humans are.  We claim to love our lives, but spend so much of it watching movies about the lives of fake people, simply characters in make-believe stories, or reading and obsessing about the lives of celebrities.  We gradually convince ourselves that our own lives are dull and meaningless and choose to only be excited by the lives of those names that are plastered on the covers of magazines or scrolling through the credits of movies.  We somehow begin to think that these people live in an alternative reality, that their lives really are better than ours, and we then find ourselves wetting our pants with excitement should their life cross paths with ours.  

Believe it or not, we are each here doing the exact same thing, living our life.  We all have families, we all have fears, and we all get a little bit embarrassed should a member of the opposite sex scare us in the haven of our own gender's bathroom.  Life is life.  Decide now to be happy with yours and then work hard to get exactly what you want out of it.

A few minutes later, my epiphany was interrupted by a scruffy looking, bearded man, wearing shorts and wool socks with his sneakers, shuffling out of the men's bathroom.  Still looking slightly embarrassed, he looked up, apologized again, and then walked back to enjoy the rest of his family reunion.  
3 comments on "Simply Agog."
  1. I would have let you have my tips to serve his table too! Haha! I've never seen his movies (because they are all rated R), but he's hosted SNL a couple times and is a comedian. He's hilarious in my opinion. But alas, you are right. In fact, I just blogged about this very thing, ...except it had more to do with romance being over dramatized. Really, romance is doing the dishes for your spouse. ;)
