
Older & Wiser

Exactly one year ago, I was grumpy.

Why do I remember that?  

Because exactly one year ago, I started this blog.  And the reason I started this blog was because I was tired of being grumpy.

So I blogged about freedom.

For some odd reason I thought that starting a blog would help free me.  And strangely enough, it has.

There's something so refreshing about putting into words the things that weigh on my heart, mind, and soul.  Whether I'm whining about marriage or stating a lesson I learned through running, my blog has helped me get to know who Kristen Gibb really is.  My blog has given me reason to look deeper.  Ultimately, my blog has helped me let the little things become inspiring.

I have to admit that one of the best perks of having a blog is hearing that people actually read it.  I'm dorky enough to admit that I get giddy each time someone posts a comment and I'm bashful beyond belief when someone admits to reading it.  Although I started my blog for purely selfish reasons, I've found that the best posts and best lessons have come when I've blogged selflessly.  

For the longest time I was under the impression that I was a complete anomaly from any other person on the planet.  There was no one that could possibly understand what I was going through.  No one could ever be interested in the same things as me.  As far as I knew, I was absolutely and utterly different from everyone and because of that I never made an effort to relate.  I figured relationships were for the people who had similarities.  Fortunately, I've learned how wrong I was.  Thank you so much for sharing your insights and comments and thank you for the words of your own blogs.

So from now on, I want to relate.  I want my blog to stretch to include more than just myself.  Because we're all here for the same thing right?  Don't we all just want to win our lives?  

So here's to one year down and countless more to go.  Cheers to our continued "Near Life Experience."
1 comment on "Older & Wiser"
  1. i love reading your blog, but i love reading it because it's so raw and so you. i love hearing people's honest and open opinions about things and hearing what people learn about life. i guess what i'm trying to say is- don't stretch too much ok? i like your blog the way it is.
    p.s. i get super giddy when i see comments on my blog too hehe! don't we all?
